
Barwon Prison secrecy out of control

17 February, 2017 - Greens youth justice spokesperson Nina Springle says the Victorian Government need to stop blocking parliamentarians from visiting the Grevi...

Senate calls for a UN Commission of Inquiry into human rights abuses in Myanmar

16 February, 2017 - Today, the Senate invited the Australian Government to consider calling for a UN Commission of Inquiry into human rights abuses in Myanmar. ...

The two major parties miss the mark on renewables: Greens

16 February, 2017 - The Greens have condemned the recent announcement by Labor as they vowed to not introduce a state based RET in WA, today.  It comes the same...

More catastrophic coral bleaching looks likely as Labor and LNP keep barracking for Adani

16 February, 2017 - Queensland Greens candidate for Mount Coot-tha and state spokesperson Michael Berkman says all signs point to another disastrous coral bleac...

Senate orders snap inquiry into Roe 8 breaches

16 February, 2017 - The Senate will conduct a snap inquiry into the repeated, unforgivable breaches of environmental conditions at the Beeliar wetlands, after a...

The Australian, freedom of speech and 18C

16 February, 2017 - It's like Groundhog Day in this place, but instead of an adorable critter like a groundhog, the anti-18C campaign is actually more accuratel...

Violent, racist and homophobic comments have no place in a democracy

16 February, 2017 - Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren says today’s news report claiming a One Nation candidate for the Upper House seat of South Metropolitan once advoca...

We've paved the way for marriage equality

16 February, 2017 - Being part of the Select Committee on the Exposure Draft of the Marriage Amendment (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill has been satisfying, rewarding a...

‘Improvements’ for debt recovery system just fiddling around the edges: Greens

15 February, 2017 - The Government’s announcement of ‘improvements’ to the debt recovery system are fiddling around the edges and do not address the fundamental...

Senate calls on Government to engage with Redfern Statement

15 February, 2017 - The Senate has supported a Greens motion calling on the Government to act on the Redfern Statement by committing to the Engagement Approach....

Government must face facts: South Australian schools will lose $335 million

15 February, 2017 - The Senate has called on Federal Education Minister to explain which South Australian schools are set to suffer as a result of the 2018 Gons...

Greens urge ban on all corporate political donations as Roe 8 contractor’s donations top $777,900

15 February, 2017 - Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren says new figures detailing political donations by a company contracted to build Roe 8 show the need to ban all poli...

What is the Government ripping from you this Christmas?

15 February, 2017 - Video & Multimedia Family, Ageing, Community and Disability Services

WestConnex Audit slams federal government process

15 February, 2017 - The Australian National Audit Office has released its report into Commonwealth funding of the WestConnex project. The report looks into whet...

Queensland Labor must scrap Adani’s suitable operator status

15 February, 2017 - Queensland Greens candidate for Mount Coot-tha and state spokesperson Michael Berkman says Queensland Labor must revoke Adani’s suitable ope...