
Victoria needs revenue including a 'Big Bank Levy' to avoid an austerity budget

3 April, 2023 - The Victorians Greens are calling on the Victorian Labor Government to introduce a state-based ‘Big Bank Levy’ along with other revenue measures...

Joint Select Committee on the Voice Referendum announced

31 March, 2023 - The newly-established Joint Select Committee on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice Referendum will consist of 13 members, includin...

Labor Fails to Reform how Australia goes to war.

31 March, 2023 - The Australian Greens dissent to a report released by the major parties that could see Peter Dutton unilaterally send Australians to War Tod...

Greens response to Voice to Parliament legislation and inquiry process

31 March, 2023 - Lines attributable to Greens Leader Adam Bandt “I welcome this morning’s progress towards the Voice, and in particular, the recognition in t...

New energy efficiency standard will support Canberra renters

31 March, 2023 - Rental homes across the ACT will now have to meet a minimum energy efficiency standard for ceiling insulation which will help keep Canberra hom...

Greens back Senate inquiry into Brisbane Olympics

30 March, 2023 - The Greens have backed a Senate inquiry into the 2032 Brisbane Olympics which will investigate Australia’s preparedness to host the Games, its ...

How should we build Canberra’s missing middle?

30 March, 2023 - The ACT Greens today called for a Committee to consider inquiring into how we plan our city for growth in terms of medium-density developm...

Greens introduce Bill for an independent Anti-Poverty Commission

30 March, 2023 - The Greens have today introduced the Ending Poverty in Australia (Antipoverty Commission) Bill 2023 to the Senate. The bill lays out a legislat...

Greens establish Senate inquiry into greenwashing

29 March, 2023 - The Senate has agreed to establish an inquiry into greenwashing by corporations in Australia. The inquiry will investigate the impacts of gr...

Australia's environment needs protection, not Green Wall Street

29 March, 2023 - The Nature Repair Market Bill, introduced by Environment Minister Plibersek today, raises serious concerns about the Government’s environmental...

Attitude adjustment needed on gendered violence

29 March, 2023 - Today’s release of the latest National Community Attitudes Towards Violence Against Women Survey (NCAS) shows that serious cultural change is n...

Greens welcome family law reforms that put kids first

29 March, 2023 - The Greens welcome the introduction of family law amendments aimed at putting children’s welfare first in family law matters. After years of...

Inflation figures show there is no need for more rate rises

29 March, 2023 - Falling inflation shows the Reserve Bank has no justification to again raise interest rates next week, Greens Economic Justice spokesperson Sen...

Minns Government must take strong stand against fossil fuel influence

29 March, 2023 - Fossil fuel lobbyists have begun their campaign to capture the Labor Government before votes have even finished being counted following the NSW...

Australian Greens Voted to Support Reforms to Require Parliament to Vote on When to Send Australian's to War

29 March, 2023 - Senator Jordon Steele-John has today moved a vote on his Private Senators Bill the Defence Amendment (Parliamentary Approval of Overseas Servic...