Greens warn of risk if transgender youth service closes


The Queensland Greens say the pending closure of the Brisbane based transgender youth support program Jelly Beans will undoubtedly increase the risk of suicide amongst a vulnerable group of people.

“The high rate of suicide amongst LGBTIQ youth, particularly for our transgender kids, is shocking and preventable.” Kirsten Lovejoy, spokesperson for the Queensland Greens, said.

“I have seen firsthand the enormous contribution Open Doors Youth Service has made to youth in need and it would be a devastating blow to these young people and their families if Jelly Beans were to close”.

“Jelly Beans has been running on the smell of an oily rag for years now and it's time that its value is recognised more formally with funding to match.

“The Queensland Government has the power to act right now to keep this service going, to help provide critical support to some of our most vulnerable youth.

“I would hope that the Queensland Government opens its heart, mind and wallet to the very real stories of people, their families, and mental health experts who know the full value of this service.

For further comment, contact Kirsten Lovejoy on 0427 589 035. 

A statement by Open Doors Youth Service:  Jelly Beans Closure (final) 4-10-2016.docx