Greens to put LNP and One Nation last in every seat in Qld

A statement from Penny Allman-Payne, Queensland Greens Convenor: 18 September 2020.

“The Queensland Greens will put One Nation last and the LNP last on our ‘how-to-vote’ cards in every seat in Queensland, as voted by Greens members.” 

“‘How-to-vote’ cards are just a suggestion and voters determine their preferences when they number every square.” 

“Further to that, following a vote by Greens members, the Queensland Greens categorically rule out any preference deal, power-sharing deal, coalition agreement, or guarantee of confidence or supply with the LNP or One Nation.”

“Because of the LNP’s commitment to job cuts, privatisation, and cuts to essential services, the Greens would never provide confidence to an LNP government.” 

Read our plan for Qld

COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan

The Greens' four year economic recovery plan will create 78,000 jobs per year by investing in public services and infrastructure.

Fully Funded Health & Education

The Greens will tax mining corporations & banks to fully fund public health & education.

How our plans are funded

The Greens will raise $67 billion over the next four years by making big banks, developers and mining corporations pay their fair share in state-based taxes.