Peter Whish-Wilson

From the campaign to stop the Tamar Valley pulp mill to fights in the Senate against excessive corporate power, tax avoidance, whaling and illegal fishing – Peter has always worked hard to protect what's important and fight for the future.

An economist by training and a lifelong surfer, Peter balances numbers with a deep and abiding passion for the ocean.

More about Peter Whish-Wilson

Peter Whish-Wilson made the transition from being a community leader in the campaign to stop the Tamar Valley pulp mill to Greens senator for Tasmania in 2012 when he replaced Bob Brown in the Senate. He was reelected at the 2013 election.

An economist by training, Peter created and taught one of Australia’s first ever environmental finance courses at the University of Tasmania. He has worked on Wall St in the financial services sector and has also run small businesses.

Using his professional knowledge and experience – and his life's unique experiences – Peter led the fight in the Senate against excessive corporate power, tax avoidance, white collar crime, and dangerous and undemocratic trade agreements. He put forward a comprehensive economic vision for Tasmania, Vision 2030, during the 2013 election. Peter also successfully lobbied to gain funding for the Tasmanian Catalyst Project, a venture to restore the historic Macquarie House in Launceston as a co-working space for new industries.

As a lifelong passionate surfer, Peter has developed a deep and abiding passion for the ocean. He has vigorously pursued issues such as opposition to whaling and illegal fishing, the environmental damage from super-trawlers and salmon farms, and the impacts of plastics and micro-plastics on marine life. He has worked hard to protect Tasmania’s precious places including through drawing attention to the damage being done to ancient Aboriginal heritage sites in the Tarkine.

Peter has pursued the government over excessive defence spending, including of the beleaguered Joint Strike Fighter aircraft, and has shown leadership on improving mental health services for returned military personnel. Peter was a graduate of ADFA.

Peter's portfolios include Agriculture, Healthy Oceans, and Waste and Recycling.



Senator for lutruwita/Tasmania

Peter's Portfolios

Healthy Oceans
Waste and Recycling


37 George Street, Launceston TAS 7250
Post: PO Box 5194, Launceston TAS 7250
Phone: (03) 6331 0033

Latest from Peter

Greens call for urgent action to combat little penguin decline

24 January, 2025 - The Greens are calling for an urgent response to the shocking decline of Tasmania's east coast little penguin population.  Quote...

Environment Minister chooses to do nothing again on regulating big businesses who pollute

11 December, 2024 - Yesterday was the last meeting of federal and state environment ministers before the federal election and there was very high expe...

Greens launch action plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef

9 December, 2024 - The Greens’ election plan to protect our iconic Great Barrier Reef would dedicate over $4 billion in new funding to protect this World Herita...

Current campaigns

No New Offshore Oil and Gas

We must fight to protect Australia's coastline from new oil and gas

Protect the Great Southern Reef

We must protect one of Australia’s most critical marine ecosystems.

Waste Free Future

Waste is a design flaw. The Greens have a clear plan to clean up Australia and create new green jobs.