Cost of Living

You’re being ripped off by big corporations.
And you’re not alone.

Millions of people are struggling to pay the rent, afford food, or keep a roof over their heads. While you’re working harder, big corporations are making massive profits by charging you more. 

Chart showing how out of control corporate profits since 2001 have not kept pace with wages
Wages are not keeping up with out of control corporate profits. Source: Australia Institute

And the major parties are not doing anything about it.

They allow 1 in 3 big corporations to pay no tax. They’ve spent billions on nuclear submarines, handouts to coal and gas corporations, and tax breaks to big property investors. And they’ve sold off our public services to be run by corporations for profit.  

We can’t keep voting for the same two parties and expecting a different result.

The first step is voting for someone who will fight for you.

Both Labor and the Liberals are funded by big corporations including coal and gas corporations and property developers. The Greens aren’t. 

The Greens are fighting for you. 

We have a plan to actually do something about the rising cost of living.

We’ll take on the big corporations, stop them ripping you off and tax them to fund the things that everyone needs.


Here’s our plan to take on big corporations

With our Big Corporations Tax, we’ll raise $514 billion over the decade and use it to tackle the cost of living – funding things that everyone needs and bringing public services back into public ownership so they work for everyone.

  1. Make food cheaper by banning price gouging in supermarkets
  2. Make unlimited rent increases illegal by freezing and capping rents
  3. Make mortgages more affordable by stopping banks price gouging 
  4. Make seeing a GP, dentist, nurse or psychologist free when you need it
  5. Make education free from childcare to uni and TAFE, and by wiping student debt

If you want change, the first step is backing someone who will fight for you.

Tackle the cost of living

Let's tax big corporations to fund the things we all need – including free dental, wiping student debt, and cheaper food at the checkout.

By signing this, you will also hear from us about our economic justice campaigns from time to time.