Green Issue

Newsletter of The Greens (WA)

Vol. 28, No. 5
October 2019

Green Issue: Editorial October 2019

Our theme for this issue is refugees

People Power – be a part of it

Are you a “quiet Australian” with concerns about refugee policy? If that policy is to be changed then those concerns need to be turned into action

My Refugee Story

A first-hand account of what its really like

Writing as Spinning

Weaving the darkest acts of our Nation-State

Some Qs for Nick McKim

Senator Nick McKim, Greens spokesperson for refugee issues, recently visited the refugee detainees on Manus Island, now being moved to Port Moresby

The Greens and Refugees

More people, more compassion, more welcome

Climate Refugees

Already here and many more on the way

Parliamentary Friends of Refugees

Bringing refugee issues to the WA state parliament


Refugee Rights Action Network (RRAN) is a grass-roots activist and advocacy group based in Perth and Fremantle

Renewables and Community Renewal

Lessons from Denmark and Australia

Making good wills and bequests

Why you need a will, why you need to tell your loved ones about it, and why you shouldn’t be shy to be named as a generous bequestor to The Greens!

Greens (WA) State Conference

A rewarding weekend

From our MPs

Diane Evers’ October Update

Understanding indigenous culture and history, ongoing concerns for native forests, climate strikes, inclusive communities, … and more

Tim Clifford’s October Update

The struggle for meaningful climate action continues; the struggle for voluntary assisted dying legislation in WA is nearly won

Alison Xamon’s October Update

Ongoing concerns about climate change, mental health care, fine default and animal welfare, and other issues such as VAD, whistleblowers, schools, etc

Find historic Green Issues here: Green Issue Archive

Please find a list of all Greens (WA) contacts here: 

Published by The Greens (WA) ABN 41 747 355 722, Level 1, 440 William St, Perth WA 6000.

Contributing editors Chris Johansen, Max Larkin, Rob Delves, Julie Scanlon, Anthony Pyle, Steele Walster. Technical advice Pete. 

Direct articles, photos, etc. to

Web version of Green Issue at

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of The Greens (WA).