Green Issue

Newsletter of The Greens (WA)

Vol. 29, No. 3
June 2020


Exhortations to Next Gen

A letter written by 12 year-old Tara Hurst and published in the compilation “Letters to our Home”

Next Gen’s Climate Future?

Australian politics has failed in its duty of care to the younger generations through its failure to meaningfully address the looming climate catastrophe

Welcoming School Strikers

Welcoming speeches by Les Harrison and Rae Price to the School Strike marchers at the Blockade in Perth last November

Solidarity between Over 60s and Under 30s

The Greens should celebrate that several of our policies benefit both older and younger voters

The Next Gen Guarantee and Higher Education

In contrast to the Government’s recent attempt to create “job-ready” degrees, the Greens believe that higher education should be accessible and free

From our MPs

Alison Xamon’s June Update

Reforming fines enforcement system, addressing racial and LGBTIQ injustice, opposing live exports and tackling social issues

Robin Chapple’s June Update

The destruction of First Nations heritage sites, wider ramifications of justice for First Nations people and the growing need for intergenerational equity

Diane Evers’ June Update

Still fighting native forest logging, shocked by disregard for Aboriginal heritage, promoting the Rights of Nature and celebrating recovery of Tier 3 rail lines

Tim Clifford’s June Update

Repairing COVID-19 provisions in the Planning and Development Amendment Bill, promoting a green recovery and gearing up for the next state election

Find historic Green Issues here: Green Issue Archive

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Published by The Greens (WA) ABN 41 747 355 722, Level 1, 440 William St, Perth WA 6000.

Contributing editors Chris Johansen, Rob Delves, Julie Scanlon, Max Larkin, Anthony Pyle, Andrew Bromley. Technical advice Pete. 

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of The Greens (WA).