We can ensure that everyone in Western Australia has access to education, healthcare and a safe place to sleep.
We can swiftly transition to a zero-emissions economy powered by 100% renewable energy that looks after people, builds the green jobs of the future and ensures a gas-free WA.
We can recover and rebuild through investment in the care economy, local green manufacturing and the arts. And we can return integrity and transparency to the political system.
Vote Greens on Saturday 13 March and together we can create a better WA for us all.
The Greens are building a fairer future. We'll tackle the climate crisis, build thousands of new affordable homes, invest in health and free education. Our plan will create thousands of secure jobs. And we'll do it by making corporations pay their fair share of tax. Labor and the Liberals are working for big business. They take millions in corporate donations. The Greens don't. We're funded by the community and we fight for you. This election, vote 1 Greens. Authorised by S Greer The Greens (WA) 91/215 Sterling Street, Perth WA 6000.