Climate Campaign events near you

Climate Weekend of Action is on this 2 – 3 December
Do you want real climate action? Join our climate campaign!

Coal and gas are fuelling the climate crisis, but Labor keep pouring fuel on the fire.

This year Labor has approved five new coal projects out of the 116 new coal and gas projects in the pipeline. The only way to keep people safe is to stop adding more fuel to the climate fire: no more coal and gas. Every tonne of coal and gas burnt increases the intensity and speed of changes to our climate, which means more floods, more intense droughts and heatwaves, and more frequent bushfires.

It’s simple – if you don’t have a plan for coal & gas, you don’t have a plan to tackle the climate crisis.

During our Climate Weekend of Action, Greens volunteers around the country will be out and about chatting to their neighbours about our plan to tackle the climate crisis. Lots of different actions are taking place, can you get involved?

Find events in your neighbourhood:

🔸 Victoria
Saturday 2 Dec

FITZROY STALL Fairfield Doorknock Footscray Stall South Melbourne Stall


Sunday 3 Dec

Brunswick Stall  Coburg Nth Doorknock

Can't get involved this time?

Sign our petition to end coal & gas


Volunteer today

We are people powered. Join our community of tens of thousands of volunteers doing their bit to build a brighter future for all of us. There’s something for everyone!

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