
is 2024 the year we legalise it? 

By David Shoebridge, Senator for NSW 


We said we would and we will! We are excited to bring our Greens’ Legalising Cannabis Bill to a vote in Parliament this year. 

This will be the first time any legislation has been brought in the Australian Parliament to create a legal cannabis market, and if we get it right, we could have legal recreational cannabis by the end of 2024. It’s pretty exciting!  

To make this happen we need people around the country joining the campaign right now and adding your voice to convince more and more MPs to vote for it!

In May this year the Senate Inquiry into the Greens’ Legalising Cannabis Bill released its majority report. Despite overwhelming evidence in support of the bill from experts, community organisations and informed individuals, all the Labor and Coalition Senators on the inquiry said no to legalising recreational cannabis for adult use. 

This isn’t the final word though and there’s still time to convince other Senators before a vote in Parliament later this year. 

We know that there are millions of Australians who want to legalise cannabis, and want their elected representatives to vote for a safer, better regulated and ethical cannabis market for adults. They want to stop tens of thousands of Australians being dragged through the criminal justice system for cannabis possession, they want safe labelling and public health regulations for the cannabis market and they want to be treated like adults.   

We’re working to use our record numbers in the Parliament, and your support in the community, to make this happen. 

Here’s our top three tips on getting involved with the campaign: 

1. Lobby your MPs and Senators on social media

Keyboard warriors, your time is now. The easiest way to get in touch with your MPs and encourage them to vote in favour of legalising cannabis is via social media.

Drop them a comment (feel free to borrow from our suggested talking points below) telling them why you want to see cannabis finally legalised.

Try adding #yeswecannabis or #legaliseit2024 so we can see this campaign grow!

2. Write a punchy email

Another way to get in touch with local MPs and encourage them to vote in favour of legalising cannabis is by sending them an email. Your email can outline why you support the Legalising Cannabis Bill 2023, and any personal reasons you have to legalise it.

Email tips: Keep it short and sweet, you don't need to be an expert to email your MP. You just need to be positive and speak from the heart. Remember to include your name and number and let them know you are a genuine constituent.

You can find your local MP’s and Senators’ email here.

3. Call Your MP

We know millennials and Gen Z are allergic to the phone function, but this is important … and it works.

You can use any of the above talking points, or, you can try out our suggested script here. It’ll only take a minute!

Tips for your call:

  • Again, you don’t need to be an expert to call your MP. You just need to be positive and speak from the heart. 
  • Remember your MP might not be available. You might speak to a staffer or have to leave a message. Both these things work so don’t be discouraged.
  • Remember to leave your name and number and let them know you are a constituent.

You can find your local MP’s and Senators’ phone number here.

To take your campaigning to the next level, check out our web page for more tips.

Everyone knows that it is not a matter of if we legalise cannabis in Australia, it’s a matter of when, and with your support we’ve already taken huge steps forward. 

Let’s keep that momentum going! 

Like you, we are in this campaign for the long haul. So if we can’t get a bunch of dinosaurs to vote for it in this Parliament, we will work to vote them out in the next election and go again. Because yes we cannabis!