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This is where racial hatred gets us

23 August, 2019 - Just 21 people have been convicted under hate crime laws in Australia. That’s a paltry response from our law enforcement agencies – and one th...

An activist life

29 July, 2019 - At 89 years of age and with decades of activism behind her, lifetime Greens member Melva Truchanas is still looking ahead to the future and the ...

Can you spot yourself in the best of our polling booth photos?

29 July, 2019 - Following the election in May, we received scores of photos from people like you around the country. Here are some of our favourites – are you i...

Mulling over the election through the lens of animism

29 July, 2019 - In her review of Shoko Yoneyama’s recent book, WA Greens Co-convenor Chilla Bulbeck examines the concept of new animism, how it pertains to the ...

Reflections on National Conference

29 July, 2019 - Last week’s Greens National Conference was a timely reminder not to underestimate ourselves, the Australian people, or how bold the planet needs...

Why the moment is ours to capture

29 July, 2019 - Following the election, we’re facing an emboldened conservative government that’s being helped by an increasingly disappointing Labor party. In ...

After the election: what you told us

28 June, 2019 - As the dust continues to settle after May 18, the results are in from our post-election survey – and they are are something to behold. By The...

Looking backwards, looking forwards

28 June, 2019 - Thank you for an incredible election result for the Greens! Now, it’s time to prepare for what comes next. By Richard Di Natale Have you...

National Conference July: happenings and highlights

28 June, 2019 - The Australian Greens National Conference is almost upon us! So what’s on the agenda for our first national conference since the recent election...

How did the Greens fare in Indonesia's general election?

21 June, 2019 - In April, Indonesia held its general election. While the incumbent Joko Widodo was returned as president, how did the country’s fledgling Green ...

If not GDP, then what?

21 June, 2019 - Many of the social and environmental issues the Greens seek to tackle lie outside the measurability of gross domestic product (GDP). So what’s t...

20 Questions with Richard Di Natale

26 April, 2019 - As the leader of the Greens, we hear a lot from – and about – Richard Di Natale. But do you really know him – like his favourite apps, ultimate...