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Climate campaigning must change

2 September, 2017 - Ahri Tallon The bold, well funded and increasingly defiant Stop Adani campaign to stop coal mining in the Galilee basin has been building mo...

Country Councils: a pathway to participating in change

2 September, 2017 - Hon Diane Evers MLC Do you know that the Donnybrook-Balingup Shire provides a fortnightly green-waste compost bin for its residents with fre...

Diane's Page

2 September, 2017 - Hon Diane Evers MLC My first three months as a Member of Parliament have been exciting but have flown by. It has been a very steep learning ...

Green Issue: Editorial August 2017

2 September, 2017 - The Green Issue Editors We were shocked and saddened to learn that Senator Scott Ludlum had to step down due to the dual citizenship fiasco....

Local Government and Climate Change

2 September, 2017 - Chris Johansen All of the relevant measurements – global temperatures, melting ice sheets and glaciers, rising sea levels, coral bleaching, ...

Rachel’s Page

2 September, 2017 - Senator Rachel Siewert The last issue of Green Issue seems so long ago, and much has happened since then. It is fair to say Scott's resignat...

Reading and Riding – thanks local government

2 September, 2017 - Rob Delves As a teacher, it annoys me intensely when people say things like “stop wasting time on all this fringe feel-good extra stuff – ju...

Reflections of a councillor

2 September, 2017 - Cliff Collinson Can you start with a few snapshots of East Fremantle Council? Well, its small: 4000 electors represented by eight councillor...

Robin's Page

2 September, 2017 - Hon Robin Chapple MLC The last month or so has been so busy, Ive hardly spent any time down in Perth!! I spent a week and a half up in the P...

Tim's Page

2 September, 2017 - Hon Tim Clifford MLC What a journey. It seems like yesterday that I was walking the streets of the East Metropolitan region campaigning to g...

Update on Manus and Nauru

2 September, 2017 - Shek Graham The situation for refugees and people seeking asylum, held illegally on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the tiny isla...

Back to Canberra

18 August, 2017 - Dr Richard Di Natale Well, we've just finished back-to-back sitting weeks in the Federal Parliament, and I have to say, it's been really diffi...