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Scott's Page

18 August, 2016 - Senator Scott Ludlam We all thought Election Day was the deadline, after which we could all pause and take a breath. But with the result hangi...

Supporting Sustainable Agriculture

18 August, 2016 - Senator Rachel Siewert Apparently during the federal election campaign the Greens had more farmers running as candidates than the Nationals - ...

The Feral Goat Plague

18 August, 2016 - Hon Robin Chapple MLC Goats first arrived in Australia with the First Fleet in 1788 and soon became feral as domestic goats escaped, were aban...

Volunteer experience of phase 1 of the election campaign (aka Federal election 2016)

18 August, 2016 - Chilla Bulbeck You have just completed the largest supporter engagement Greens WA campaign ever. We increased our lower house vote in 3 of ...

Water conservation in the southern region of WA

18 August, 2016 - Adrian Price Blending water with electricity In the days when steam trains served farmers and rural communities with a wide variety of goods,...

Global Greens Congress 2017

17 August, 2016 - For the first time ever, the Global Greens and the European Green Party will hold their congresses together! Vis...

Greens (WA) Annual General Meeting 2016

17 August, 2016 - Nominations are invited for the office bearer positions of Co-convenor (2), Secretary and Treasurer, and positions of National Delegate, State...

Inequality and the anti-expert

12 August, 2016 - Dr Will Grant Like a train on fire crashing slowly into a Transylvanian village cemetery, 2016 seems to be a year in which the awful, awful gi...

Five Technologies Changing The World In Unexpected Ways

11 August, 2016 - Stephen Luntz When technologies become widespread, they almost always get put to use in ways that few people anticipated. You might be familia...

Lynn's Page

7 August, 2016 - Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC The sound of gravitational waves as interpreted by cellist Arianne Jacobs brightened a mid-winter morning in June, as I j...

Robin's Page

7 August, 2016 - Hon Robin Chapple MLC Home is Heritage Last month, the WA Government announced that it will deny funding to around 100 remote Aboriginal commun...

Wonky Podcasts

31 July, 2016 - Emma Davidson Whether you listen on the work commute, while working out, or just as background listening while you go about your day, podcasts a...