Budget 2016



The Greens have a vision for a better budget for Australians - one that puts people, not big business, first.  

The 2016 Budget, like Malcolm Turnbull's leadership, is a huge disappointment. Read Richard and Adam's media release here.

Budgets tell us a lot about governments' vision for the country. The Greens believe that we should prioritise investment in clean energy to transition Australia into the 21st century. We want to invest in world-class health care and public education; and we believe in closing the growing gap between the rich and the poor by ending tax avoidance and making big business, big polluters, and the very wealthy pay their fair share. 

Read Richard's Speech Call for a #BetterBudget

Renew Australia

The Greens have a plan to Renew Australia by transitioning our economy away from coal and investing in our clean energy powered future. The Greens will take strong action to tackle global warming by investing in the clean energy jobs and industries of a 21st century economy. 

End the epidemic of tax avoidance

Every dollar big multinational corporations don't pay in tax, is a dollar that is not invested in health care, public education and essential services for us all. The Greens have announced the nation's biggest ever response to tax avoidance. Our plan ensures that big businesses pay their fair share. Australians are sick of big corporations treating taxation as an optional extra.

Reform capital gains tax 

We should raise revenue by ending unfair tax breaks, and raising revenue from those who can most afford to pay. The unfair capital gains tax break has locked young people almost completely out of the housing market, and benefits only the richest few. Our plan to reform the unfair capital gains tax is a necessary step to reduce inequality. We will redirect spending towards the new economy, fostering innovation and clean energy.

A lifetime of learning

Australia's education system is suffering due to chronic underfunding by successive governments. The Greens believe that every child deserves equal opportunities, and best way to invest in our future is to invest in world class public education. Our Disability Funding for Schools and Supporting University Students initiatives are part of our Lifetime of Learning policy that also includes early childhood education and support for schools.

Investment in public infrastructure

Building and maintaining productive and transformative infrastructure will create jobs, maintain and improve our quality of life, and will provide stability in the face of global uncertainty. That's why the Greens' #BetterBudget features the Australian Infrastructure Bank as the backbone of our national investment plan.

Public Health Insurance 

The Greens' plan will invest in afforable, accessible public health care by phasing out of the wasteful private health insurance (PHI) rebate and reinvesting that $10 billion into health and hospitals.

Read Richard's Speech Call for a #BetterBudget