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Unemployment rises as Morrison stalls

18 February, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP said unemployment figures released today showing joblessness rising to 6 per cent, coupled with T...

Uni drinks with Senator Robert Simms

18 February, 2016 - Thu, 2016-03-10 17:00 - 19:00 Adelaide Unibar, Level 5, Union House, University of Adelaide ...

Wealthiest Western Australians exploit negative gearing more than anyone else in Australia

18 February, 2016 - Grattan Institute research has found that the wealthiest Western Australians exploit negative gearing more than anyone else in the country. ...

Negative Gearing in WA - the facts

18 February, 2016 - Wealthy WA investors use negative gearing more, and gain more of the benefits, than any other state in Australia. These benefits flow to the...

Encryption keeps everyone safe: Greens

18 February, 2016 - Encryption technology is used by millions of people every day to manage financial transactions, to protect against identity theft and to kee...

Just make the content available: Greens

18 February, 2016 - Australian Greens Communications Spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam has again called for rights holders to dedicate their resources to making...

Rare king jarrah felled by Main Roads was listed ‘Conservation Significant’

17 February, 2016 - Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren MLC has blasted Main Roads for reckless destruction of the environment after confirming that a rare king jarrah des...

Estimates: Fair Work Building and Construction

17 February, 2016 - Senator RICE: I want to start with the court matters that have been commenced by the FWBC. I would like a complete list of all court matters...

East West still an ex-toll road proposal

17 February, 2016 - East West still an ex-toll road proposal The Greens have reiterated the wishes of Victorians to see improved public transport and no East We...

Australia should commit to legally binding accountability when it comes to sharks: Greens

17 February, 2016 - Australia has signed on to expand the list of shark species currently protected in a Sharks Memorandum of Understanding under the Convention...

Turnbull’s test: Greens call for action not talk on clean transport and sustainable cities

17 February, 2016 - Turnbull’s test: Greens call for action not talk on clean transport and sustainable cities Infrastructure Australia has released a menu of r...

Rare king jarrah felled by Main Roads was listed ‘Conservation Significant’

17 February, 2016 - Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren MLC has blasted Main Roads for reckless destruction of the environment after confirming that a rare king jarrah des...

No more excuses. Time for the Geelong Star to go.

17 February, 2016 - With the Geelong Star catching more seals and now also an endangered whale shark, Greens Fisheries spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson,...

Why were the jobs of CSIRO scientists cut?

17 February, 2016 - Senator RICE: I want to start off with some clarification on the CSIRO climate cuts. We have the Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship which has cu...

Greens will seek to table petition calling on Malcolm Turnbull to address hurtful Alan Jones comments

17 February, 2016 - Upon return to Parliament next week the Australian Greens will seek to table a petition urging Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to show leade...