23 June, 2014 - Senator Lee Rhiannon
At the last federal election some candidates were elected to the Senate with less than one per cent of the primary vote.
20 June, 2014 - Chilla Bulbeck
New member welcome
More than 450 new members (who joined over the last year, basically during our three elections) were invited ...
13 June, 2014 - Janet Rice
Karin Geradts was a member and part of the fabric of The Greens since 1995. She was a member of the Greens Victoria State Council for...
13 June, 2014 - Chris Mardon
Since the global financial crisis in 2008, there has been active discussion of the concept of de-growth, but some divisions have em...
13 June, 2014 - Senator Larissa Waters
THE ANNUAL UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting can be an exciting time for anyone who loves this planet's animals, pl...
12 June, 2014 - Ben Hermann
On April 5 this year, election day for the WA senate, I set up a booth at Beldon Primary School, complete with a solar-powered lapto...
11 June, 2014 - Christine Milne
In my 25 years in politics I have never witnessed such a passionate and protracted push-back against a federal budget as we are ...
1 June, 2014 - Chris Harris
We won.
The Bentley Blockade, in northern NSW, halted Metgasco's proposed tight sands gas drilling operation near Lismore. That vict...
1 June, 2014 - Senator Larissa Waters
Tony Abbott, or at least his team of advisers, knows that Australian women don't take insults to their equality and indepe...
1 June, 2014 - Christine Cunningham
Congratulations to the national staff and Green Magazine Working Group for getting us to this next level of regular, digital...
1 June, 2014 - Senator Lee Rhiannon
FEDERAL member for Hunter Joel Fitzgibbon responded to the recent loss of 500 more jobs in Hunter mines by saying the region...
1 June, 2014 - Jonathan Cassell
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, its the only thing that...
1 June, 2014 - Liz Denborough
Michael studied medicine in Cape Town South Africa and as part of his training went to treat people in the black townships. Later ...
1 June, 2014 - Senator Rachel Siewert
A notable feature of the Abbott Government's short time in office has been their disconnection from the reality faced by v...
29 April, 2014 - This month I am embracing the title of Australia's luckiest politician; not because of the reasons put forward by the journalist who originally...