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Taking back the senate

23 June, 2014 - Senator Lee Rhiannon At the last federal election some candidates were elected to the Senate with less than one per cent of the primary vote. In...

WA: After the storm

20 June, 2014 - Chilla Bulbeck New member welcome More than 450 new members (who joined over the last year, basically during our three elections)  were invited ...

Vale Karin Geradts

13 June, 2014 - Janet Rice Karin Geradts was a member and part of the fabric of The Greens since 1995. She was a member of the Greens Victoria State Council for...

Downsizing the Economy

13 June, 2014 - Chris Mardon Since the global financial crisis in 2008, there has been active discussion of the concept of de-growth, but some divisions have em...

Australia risks international disgrace at World Heritage meeting

13 June, 2014 - Senator Larissa Waters THE ANNUAL UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting can be an exciting time for anyone who loves this planet's animals, pl...

Impact at the booth

12 June, 2014 - Ben Hermann On April 5 this year, election day for the WA senate, I set up a booth at Beldon Primary School, complete with a solar-powered lapto...

Busting the budget

11 June, 2014 - Christine Milne In my 25 years in politics I have never witnessed such a passionate and protracted push-back against a federal budget as we are ...

CSG: this generation's moment

1 June, 2014 - Chris Harris We won. The Bentley Blockade, in northern NSW, halted Metgasco's proposed tight sands gas drilling operation near Lismore. That vict...

Why Tony Abbott should resign as Minister for Women

1 June, 2014 - Senator Larissa Waters Tony Abbott, or at least his team of advisers, knows that Australian women don't take insults to their equality and indepe...

Welcome to Green Magazine 2.0

1 June, 2014 - Christine Cunningham Congratulations to the national staff and Green Magazine Working Group for getting us to this next level of regular, digital...

OPINION: Coal industry decline in Hunter inevitable

1 June, 2014 - Senator Lee Rhiannon FEDERAL member for Hunter Joel Fitzgibbon responded to the recent loss of 500 more jobs in Hunter mines by saying the region...

Bentley: I'm energised

1 June, 2014 - Jonathan Cassell           Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, its the only thing that...

Obituary: Michael Denborough

1 June, 2014 - Liz Denborough Michael studied medicine in Cape Town South Africa and as part of his training went to treat people in the black townships. Later ...

Comment: Disadvantage the real threat to our children’s futures

1 June, 2014 - Senator Rachel Siewert A notable feature of the Abbott Government's short time in office has been their disconnection from the reality faced by v...

Australia's luckiest politician

29 April, 2014 - This month I am embracing the title of Australia's luckiest politician; not because of the reasons put forward by the journalist who originally...