From the Senator for Tasmania: Nick McKim

By Nick McKim

This has been another challenging 12 months for many people in Australia, and for nature and our climate.

The pandemic and entrenched economic injustice mean too many people spent 2021 struggling to get by, or frustrated by isolation from their loved ones.

We Greens have been fighting back as always, standing up for people and the environment and setting the agenda for a brighter, greener future.

Immigration and Citizenship

Australia’s immigration system basically ground to a halt during the pandemic - except of course for the rich or famous, who came and went as they pleased.

We gave a voice to people who were cut off from their children, partners and families under a border system that reflects the Morrison Government’s cold indifference to people in need.

Greens MPs offices around the country worked hard to help people through this crisis, with many successes.

2021 was the ninth year of indefinite offshore detention, with hundreds of people continuing to languish and suffer under a bipartisan policy of cruelty.

People took to the streets to fight for the freedom of hundreds of people detained indefinitely in hotels and detention centres. We collectively achieved some success, with many released into the community, but far too many remain detained.

The Morrison Government also refused to give permanent safety for the Murugappan family from Bioela, despite the efforts of hundreds of thousands of Australians.

We have continued the fight for more fairness and compassion in our immigration system.

Economic Justice

We watched through the pandemic as billionaires massively increased their wealth, and many big corporations made record profits.

With Adam Bandt, I was proud to launch the Greens’ plan to make billionaires and big corporations finally start to pay their fair share of tax.

Our plan for economic justice will tax the super-wealthy and corporate super profits, crack down on multinational tax avoidance, put workers on the boards of big companies, and make profitable companies pay back Jobkeeper.
We will continue fighting for people, nature and heritage ahead of profits in 2022.

Digital Rights

Our digital rights continue to face a number of threats, from the increasing powers of the surveillance state to big tech. 

In particular we were a lone voice in parliament standing up against the new censorship powers granted by the Online Safety Act, giving a voice to everyone from sex workers to LGBTQI+ communities, sexual health organisations, and even artists who face adverse consequences of the legislation.


The Greens had a strong result at the Tasmanian election in March. A strong statewide swing to us saw Cassy O’Connor and Rosalie Woodruff re-elected on significantly increased margins.

Given the trend towards incumbent governments during the pandemic, it was a strong endorsement of the party’s campaign for people and the places we love.


‹ Greens 2021 Annual Reports