Greens announce new party room lineup to push for Green New Deal and compassionate pandemic recovery


Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP has announced the lineup of his new Greens team, following Lidia Thorpe's first Party Room Meeting as a Senator.

The reshuffle is the most significant since Adam Bandt MP was elected leader, reflecting new talent within Party Room and the rapidly shifting political context in the age of COVID-19.

Senator Lidia Thorpe now holds the First Nations, Justice and Sports portfolios, while the meeting also confirmed the creation of a new Anti-Racism portfolio to be held by Senator Mehreen Faruqi.

Senator Nick McKim holds the newly created Economic Justice portfolio, which will lead the charge against the critical levels of economic inequality laid bare by the coronavirus induced recession. Senator McKim will also take on the Treasury and Finance portfolios.

Peter Whish-Wilson is now Agriculture & Rural Affairs spokesperson, with his first-hand experience of being a grower in the climate crisis to provide valuable insight for the party's pitch to those living outside the major cities.

Senator Rachel Siewert will take charge of the Health portfolio, formerly held by Richard Di Natale, in recognition of the inextricable link between community and health services.

Finally, Senator Janet Rice will lead on Foreign Affairs and Multiculturalism.

"This is the team we need to take on the unprecedented challenge created by the coronavirus crisis," Adam Bandt MP said.

"With the Liberals avoiding discussion of anything other than COVID, and Labor siding with the Liberals on tax cuts and the climate crisis, this refreshed Greens team will bring in new perspectives and ideas, while also acknowledging the incredible work being done by all our MPs.

"If it wasn't clear before the pandemic, it's undeniable now. Business as usual has failed, leading to soaring economic inequality, a rapidly heating planet and a jobs crisis that has created Depression era-dole queues.

"We need to urgently implement a Green New Deal and this is the team to do it."

Greens Party Room, September 2020

Greens Party Room, September 2020

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Greens Party Room, September 2020 – square
Greens Party Room, September 2020 – rectangle


Australian Greens' Portfolio Allocations MP PORTFOLIOS Australian Greens Leader
Adam Bandt
Member for Melbourne
• Climate Emergency
• Energy
• Employment & Workplace Relations 
• Public Sector Co-Deputy Leader &
Australian Greens Leader in the Senate
Larissa Waters
Senator for Queensland
• Women
• Mining & Resources
• Democracy (covers Local Government)
• Lead on Climate Emergency & Energy (Senate) Co-Deputy Leader &
Australian Greens Deputy Leader in the Senate
Nick McKim
Senator for Tasmania
• Treasury, Finance & Economic Justice
• Immigration & Citizenship 
• Digital Rights, I.T. & NBN Party Whip
Rachel Siewert
Senator for Western Australia
• Health
• Mental Health
• Family, Ageing & Community Services
• Gambling Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia
• Dental Health
• Arts, Media & Communications
• Environment & Water
• Tourism Peter Whish-Wilson
Senator for Tasmania
• Agriculture & Rural Affairs 
• Healthy Oceans
• Waste & Recycling
• Consumer Affairs
• Small Business Party Room Chair &
Deputy Whip
Janet Rice
Senator for Victoria
• Foreign Affairs
• Multiculturalism
• Forests
• Transport & Infrastructure
• Science, Research &  Innovation Jordon Steele-John
Senator for Western Australia
• Disability Rights & Services
• Youth
• Trade
• Peace & Disarmament (covers Defence)
• Nuclear
• Veterans’ Affairs Temporary Senate Chair
Mehreen Faruqi
Senator for New South Wales
• Housing
• Education
• Animal Welfare
• Industry
• International Aid & Development
• Anti-Racism
• Lead on Employment & Workplace Relations (Senate) Lidia Thorpe
Senator for Victoria
• First Nations
• Justice
• Sport