Greens target balance of power with $300K homes


The Greens have today announced a plan to build 125,000 new homes and sell them to people locked out of housing for $300,000.

Young people locked out of the housing market could decide a number of key inner city elections around the country, including Griffith in Brisbane.

With a tight election looming, a win in Griffith could put the Greens in the balance of power, and push the next government to make housing more affordable.

The Greens are campaigning on the issue of housing affordability, promising to offer good quality $300K homes to first home buyers.

The Greens victory in South Brisbane in the recent state election, and a perception that Labor has abandoned renters and first home buyers, has given Greens candidate Max Chandler-Mather a huge boost.

On current polling, a power-sharing Parliament is the most likely outcome of the coming election and in the balance of power, the Greens will push for billionaires and big corporations to pay their fair share of tax so we can build affordable housing.

Griffith Greens candidate Max Chandler-Mather said:

“People are telling us they feel abandoned by Labor, and locked out of the housing market.

“We’ve knocked on 30,000 doors and we’re hearing over and over from renters that they can’t imagine owning a home. Parents are worried about their kids struggling to buy a home.

“Almost 1 in 2 people in Griffith rent and with skyrocketing rents and house prices we’re seeing a new constituency of families shifting to the Greens on the basis that Labor has abandoned them when it comes to affordable housing.

“We want to tax the billionaires and big corporations, and build homes that everyone can afford.

“In the balance of power, we can fight for everyone’s future, not just the big donors and big banks.”

Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP said:

“With wage growth going backwards for young people, house prices skyrocketing and billionaires making big profits, we’ve got to do something different.

“Labor has joined the Liberals in abandoning renters, backing billions of dollars in public handouts to people who already own five, six or seven homes, pushing up prices and locking people out of housing.

“The movement in Griffith now feels like Melbourne in 2010, when young people changed the course of politics by putting the Greens in balance of power. If young people back the Greens in Griffith, we can kick the Liberals out and put the Greens back in balance of power, where we will push the next government to tax the billionaires and build secure homes everyone can afford.”

Greens Spokesperson for Housing Senator Mehreen Faruqi said:

“Housing in this country is completely cooked. Some people are making huge profits from housing, while others are struggling to keep a roof above their heads.

“Homelessness is not inevitable. Governments must make the choice of ensuring everyone has a safe and affordable place to live, and to obliterate homelessness and housing insecurity forever.

“A massive build of new homes will reduce inequality in Australia dramatically. Safe, secure, high-quality housing is a human right, not a privilege reserved only for those who are able to afford to
pay through the nose for it.

“Our innovative shared equity ownership scheme will help tens of thousands of people buy their first home for $300,000.

“People who have been locked out of a home due to skyrocketing prices and a housing system stacked against them will be able to own a high-quality sustainable house and make it their home at
an affordable price.

“In a property market rigged for speculators and wealthy investors, buying a home is well out of reach for most people. It’s currently too expensive for many people to both pay rent and save for a deposit. The Greens plan tackles this head-on.

“Whether you are renting a home or buying one, a housing system should work for people, not profit.”

PBO Costing


More on the Greens plan to get you into your own home for $300,000k »