Morrison must not remain idle as democracy attacked and climate test looms


Greens Leader Adam Bandt has condemned the outright assault on American democracy launched by Donald Trump as he attempts to undermine the vote which seems likely to elect Joe Biden.
Bandt has called on Scott Morrison to condemn Donald Trump’s claim of victory and his baseless claim of voter fraud, as well as making clear Australia’s position in support of democracy and of counting all votes. 

Bandt also said a climate test now looms for Liberal and Labor.

“Australians are watching in horror, the world is watching in horror and Scott Morrison is silent on Donald Trump's dangerous, anti-democratic lies,” Bandt said.
“In fact, Scott Morrison is allowing his Coalition colleagues to spread Trump’s false claims of fraud. 

“A lying, deflated Trump has falsely claimed he has won the election. From The White House podium.
“This is not normal. We can’t allow it to become normal. 
“If this was any other country we’d be condemning it.
“The language used by Donald Trump is designed to provoke a reaction on the ground, potentially one that would lead to violence. It is a desperate and reckless attempt to hold onto power, contrary to a democratic verdict.” 

Greens foreign affairs spokesperson, Janet Rice, added:

"Counting is still underway, and the election result is still unknown," Rice said.

"Today we’ve seen more denial and lies about a stolen election from a man unable to face defeat. We can’t accept this power-hungry assault on democracy.

"Prime Minister Scott Morrison must call Donald Trump directly, and tell him that he will get no support from Australia if he tries to interfere with the election result, and that he must respect democratic processes. America deserves a fair, democratic election where every vote is counted," Rice said.
Climate Shock in store for Australia
As Joe Biden closes in on the Presidency, so too does the prospect of another major power locking in strong climate targets in the 2030s, laying down challenges for both the Morrison government and the Labor opposition.
Chief of them is the Biden election promise to move the US to zero-carbon electricity by 2035. This would see an immediate and rapid reduction in coal and gas demand in the world’s largest economy. 
“One lesson from this election is that strong climate policies with targets in the 2030s are no hindrance to electoral victory,” Bandt said.
“Politicians who think the Biden victory involved soft-pedalling on climate are misguided. Joe Biden called the climate crisis an existential threat and is getting to zero emissions electricity by 2035, something neither Liberal or Labor have committed to.
“If we don’t take the lesson before us, the risk to Australia is two-fold. Our hot dry continent is likely to be the hardest hit as temperatures rise. But also, if we continue the delay and denial of the climate reality Australia will miss the incredible economic opportunity we have to lead the world in green energy,” Bandt said.
The Greens recovery plan for a zero-carbon future: