
Next Gen Energy Storage reaches program target

11 January, 2023 - The ACT Government’s Next Generation Energy Storage (Next Gen) program will draw to a close, having reached its target of 5,000 batteries in ...

Greens candidate for Heathcote: ‘We need urgent action now on our climate crisis’

11 January, 2023 - Launching his campaign for the 2023 NSW election, Greens Candidate for Heathcote Cooper Riach, has called for urgent action on climate change...

Renters need immediate rent freeze in the face of continued rent hikes

11 January, 2023 - Sydney renters are continuing to be slogged with massive rent hikes, according to new data released today by PropTrack.  The Greens a...

Safeguard rules released today must go further to curb coal and gas: Greens

10 January, 2023 - The draft Safeguard Mechanism rules released by the Federal Labor government today don’t go far enough and risk continuing to be captured by ...

NSW Greens to announce Cooper Riach as candidate for Heathcote

10 January, 2023 - Sutherland, NSW: The NSW Greens will tomorrow announce the nomination of local resident Cooper Riach as its candidate for Heathcote in the up...

Australian Greens call on Government to do more to put an end to Iran’s executions of protestors

10 January, 2023 - Australian Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John has today written to the Iranian Ambassador stating his political sponsorship of Majid Kazemi fo...

Forest defenders and climate activists arrested in Bulga State Forest

9 January, 2023 - The NSW Forestry Corporation had their plans to destroy native forests at Bulga temporarily delayed by the selfless actions of forest defender...

The Labor opposition need more than a press announcement to address the NSW housing affordability crisis

9 January, 2023 - Responding to housing announcements by the NSW Labor opposition, The Greens NSW have called for a bold, long-term vision to address the housin...

Jordon Steele-John’s December update

9 January, 2023 - Focusing attention on disability and the NDIS in the ABC’s Q+A, ADHD awareness, carers and paid work, human rights in Iran and Palestine, and ...

Climate Change Denial

9 January, 2023 - Human intelligence has been aware of human induced climate change for ages but human greed has thwarted action to mitigate it By Tamsyn&nbs...

Green Issue Editorial December 2022

8 January, 2023 - By The Green Issue Editors Rising interest rates, stagnating wages and a worsening housing crisis make this festive season rather bleak for...

Brad Pettitt’s December Update

8 January, 2023 - Despite the odds being overwhelmingly stacked against us, in having only one Greens representative in State Parliament, we are still managing ...

Dorinda Cox’s December Update

8 January, 2023 - Meeting indigenous activists fighting for climate justice at COP27, celebrating Tiwi Islanders in stopping a gas project and involvement in pa...

Understanding political conservatism

8 January, 2023 - Political conservatism has many analogies with the natural world, although its pursuit very much endangers that world By Chris Johansen, Gr...

Net Zero Perth in 2023

8 January, 2023 - The configuration of the Perth Metro Area contributes to its high level of greenhouse gas emissions, but it does have the potential to achieve...