
Gomeroi Nation's fight for survival

14 September, 2022 - In a legal first, the Gomeroi Nation is using the public interest test, commonly used by fossil fuel companies to fight native title cases,...

Greens call for National Cabinet to extend Pandemic Leave Payments

13 September, 2022 - Greens social services spokesperson, Senator Janet Rice, has urged the Federal Government to extend Pandemic Leave Payments beyond Septembe...

Greens call on Labor to shut down seismic blasting off WA coast

13 September, 2022 - The Greens call on the Labor Government to immediately shut down plans for seismic blasting that could impact the Mermaid Reef and Rowley S...

Chevron favours Asian markets over everyday Australians

9 September, 2022 - California-based energy company, Chevron, wants Western Australia to be excluded from the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism, so as ...

RBA again fails to acknowledge record high corporate profits

8 September, 2022 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Nick McKim, has responded to the RBA Governor, Philip Lowe’s, speech today in which he again failed to...

ACT Greens call for clear investment plan for Stromlo Forest Park

8 September, 2022 - Jo Clay MLA is calling for more community consultation at Stromlo Forest Park and a clear plan for investment into mountain biking infrastru...

Greens back early childhood workers’ shutdown

7 September, 2022 - Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and spokesperson for education, has backed the early childhood educators action to S...

Scottish government freezes rents - time for the Federal Labor government to do the same

7 September, 2022 - Today the Scottish government has announced they are freezing rents for all public and private rental properties until March 2023 and bannin...

It’s ‘unparliamentary’ to call out racism, but not unparliamentary to be racist

7 September, 2022 - Today, Liberal Senator Alex Antic used his two minute statement to complain about the “threat” of critical race theory and “victimhood.” Sen...

Greens Support Veterans Calls for More Health and Mental Health Supports

7 September, 2022 - Vietnam-era Nasho Geoff Parkes to deliver his petition to Geoff Parkes, a Vietnam-era national servicemen who w...

Greens establish Senate inquiry into poverty and cost of living

7 September, 2022 - Almost 50 years to the day (29 August, 1972) after the historic Henderson Commission of Inquiry into poverty, and after years of inaction by...

Trans and gender diverse crisis accommodation would be set up in Northcote, under Greens plan

7 September, 2022 - The Victorian Greens have unveiled their bold plan to establish a community facility in Northcote that would provide crisis accommodation fo...

Greens propose $1 billion Zero Extinction Fund

7 September, 2022 - The Victorian Greens have unveiled their ambitious plan for a one billion dollars per year Zero Extinction Fund to help protect and restore ...

It's time for Lowe to go

6 September, 2022 - Philip Lowe should resign as Governor of the Reserve Bank for misleading Australians about interest rate rises, the Greens say. “Dr Lowe ind...

Greens get Government first steps on native forest burning

6 September, 2022 - During the Climate Change Bill negotiations, the Greens secured a commitment from the government to look at the destructive practice of burn...