
Climate Refugees and Australia

28 August, 2022 - Officially, climate refugees don’t exist, but they will be rapidly multiplying in the years to come By Chris Johansen, Green Issue Co-edito...


28 August, 2022 - How a chance encounter with two detainees, Koffi and Lucky, led to a family taking up their case and then a continuing friendship that has enr...

Green Issue Editorial August 2022

28 August, 2022 - By The Green Issue Editors August Green Issue focusses on Australia’s contorted relationship with refugees. Coalition and Labor governments...

The right kind of outlaw

28 August, 2022 - The absolutely shameful treatment of Iranian refugee Ned Kelly, a victim of Australia’s seemingly bipartisan punitive refugee policy By Sen...

Words from Behind the Wire

28 August, 2022 - Writing as a path toward hope while teaching asylum seeker children on Christmas Island  By Reneé Pettitt-Schipp, Writer and Teacher ...

Music Talks

28 August, 2022 - Although the recent election provides a glimmer of hope for asylum seekers, we must continue pressuring the government to end the punitive app...

Denigration & Dehumanization – The Australian Way

28 August, 2022 - Australia has a long history of dehumanizing and denigrating non-white people, most recently asylum seekers arriving by boat. Media stereotypi...

Priorities, Persuasion and Possibilities

28 August, 2022 - It would appear that The Greens humane policies towards asylum seekers are opposed by most Australians, but support for the hardline Lib-Lab c...

Greens in Senate won’t rubber stamp Jobs Summit outcomes, want wages lift now

27 August, 2022 - Greens Leader and Workplace Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt has said any deal reached at the Jobs and Skills summit risked becoming nothing ...

Nets out now

26 August, 2022 - After the tenth whale has today been entangled in Queensland shark nets, the Greens are again calling on the state government for an urgent re...

ACT welcomes outcomes of Building Ministers Meeting

26 August, 2022 - From October 2023, all new homes built in the ACT will be required to have seven-star energy efficiency and minimum accessibility standards, e...

Draft designs for ACT Residential Eating Disorder Facility released

26 August, 2022 - Minister for Mental Health Emma Davidson unveiled the draft designs for the ACT Residential Centre for eating disorders (the Centre), which ha...

Greater protections for LGBTIQA+ communities under Greens plan

26 August, 2022 - The Victorian Greens will tonight launch a Rainbow State Action Plan that would see greater protections for LGBTIQA+ communities enshrined in ...

Anti-protest laws are climate preparedness (if you’re a neoliberal government)

26 August, 2022 - The past decade has seen governments across the country start pulling apart the right to protest, empowering police and criminalising dissent....

From the kitchen table to the UN

26 August, 2022 - It’s time for Australia to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – something to which PM Albanese committed the Labor party wh...