
Labor is in climate chaos. Where's Albo?

30 August, 2019 - The ALP is melting down over climate policy, and Anthony Albanese is missing in action.   “The Government’s climate policy is shockingly weak,...

Code Red for Reef on Morrison’s watch

30 August, 2019 - The Morrison Government will be responsible for the death of the Great Barrier Reef unless it takes urgent action on climate change, the Green...

New model for law reform for Bowraville Murders

30 August, 2019 - The NSW Parliamentary Committee investigating the legal obstacles in the Bowraville Murders has today presented a report referring a new model...

Can we fix it? Yes we can! ACT secures national agreement on a ‘right to repair’

30 August, 2019 - The ACT has secured Commonwealth, state and territory support to progress work on a ‘right to repair’ – a national-first. A ‘right to repa...

Victorian Greens brand the scrapping of Melbourne's bike share scheme as lazy

30 August, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have said the Government’s decision to scrap the blue bike share scheme will damage Melbourne’s reputation as one of the ...

“Fish Armageddon” plan weak without water

29 August, 2019 - If the NSW Government was serious about preventing “Fish Armageddon” this summer, it would secure water supply for native fish so they don’t n...

History repeating: Morrison Govt again trying to hide truth on Great Barrier Reef

29 August, 2019 - The Federal Government must accept the science pointing to the need for drastic emissions reduction to protect the Great Barrier Reef and actu...

Albanese must stomp on WA Labor and join Greens in fighting Liberals: Bandt

29 August, 2019 - Greens climate change spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP, has responded to Western Australia Labor’s decision to back Tony Abbott’s weak carbon emiss...

Victoria must ban more than plastic bags to effectively tackle waste crisis

29 August, 2019 - After years of campaigning by the Victorian Greens, the Labor Government has finally placed a ban on single-use plastic bags. This legislat...

Scott Morrison bears some responsibility for upcoming fire season: Bandt

28 August, 2019 - Greens climate change spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP, has today responded to the latest Australian Season Bushfire Outlook highlighting above nor...

Spent convictions scheme in Victoria is logical and long overdue

27 August, 2019 - The Victorian Greens strongly support the recent parliamentary committee recommendation to introduce a legislated spent convictions scheme in ...

Victoria can be 100 per cent renewable by 2030

27 August, 2019 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Government to take the climate emergency seriously by raising their renewable energy target from 50 to...

Hanson-Young to tell Equinor today “you’re not welcome in SA”

26 August, 2019 - Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young will tell Norwegian company Equinor, which plans to drill for oil in the Great Australia...

ACT Greens: Income-based fines fight continues

26 August, 2019 - The Greens continue to be concerned about the impacts of fines on vulnerable people. “We are pleased that as a result of previous work of ...