
Fels report shines light on price gouging and inflation

7 February, 2024 - The Greens welcome the findings of the comprehensive report led by Professor Allan Fels AO on the disturbing practices of price gouging and u...

Another death in custody at Parklea Correctional Centre

7 February, 2024 - Another inmate at the Parklea Correctional Centre has been confirmed dead and we understand the cause of death to be suicide by hanging. The ...

Improving consumer protections for embedded network customers

7 February, 2024 - An independent review into embedded electricity networks has assessed benefits and risks for ACT customers, recommending that embedded networ...

Still no enforcement body to hold MPs to account, two years on

7 February, 2024 - Today is the second anniversary of the day the government adopted former Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins’ Set the Standards repo...

New defamation laws to provide stronger protections in digital world

7 February, 2024 - The ACT Government is upgrading its defamation laws to strengthen protections for victim survivors, and clarify when digital intermediaries, ...

Greens say Harry Potter event must be moved to protect threatened species in wildlife sanctuary

7 February, 2024 - The Victorian Greens have urged the Victorian Labor Government to step in and prevent a nightly Harry Potter-themed event from going ahead in...

Damning report on Closing the Gap

7 February, 2024 - The Productivity Commission’s Report on Closing the Gap released today outlines a damning assessment of governments in their failure to imple...

Where's the PM on PEP11?

7 February, 2024 - In the lead up to the last federal election Anthony Albanese told voters, “a Labor Government that I lead will rule out PEP11,” and...

Greens say Victoria should follow NSW's lead by banning offshore gas drilling

7 February, 2024 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Labor Government to follow the lead of New South Wales and urgently ban offshore gas drilli...

Greens urge Victorian Labor to sever ties with Israel defence ministry, weapons manufacturer

7 February, 2024 - The Victorian Greens will today introduce a motion calling on the Victorian Labor Government to end its secretive relationship with the Israe...

Greens win Senate inquiry into aircraft noise

6 February, 2024 - MEDIA RELEASE Greens win Senate inquiry into aircraft noise 6/2/2024 The Senate today agreed to establish an inquiry into a...

RBA continues to punish households

6 February, 2024 - By refusing to cut interest rates today, the Reserve Bank has decided to continue punishing households for an inflation crisis that they did ...

Greens say WorkCover bill should be scrapped, after Labor and the Liberals teamed up to save it

6 February, 2024 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Labor Government to scrap their harmful WorkCover bill and go back to the drawing board, ra...