
Greens say WorkCover bill should be scrapped, after Labor and the Liberals teamed up to save it

6 February, 2024 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Labor Government to scrap their harmful WorkCover bill and go back to the drawing board, ra...

ACT Greens call for divestment from the occupation of Palestine

6 February, 2024 - Andrew Braddock MLA, ACT Greens spokesperson for anti-racism, is calling on the ACT Government to divest from companies that the UN has recog...

Petition to remove good character references for child sex abusers

6 February, 2024 - ACT Greens MLA Andrew Braddock will today table a victim-survivor led petition, calling to end the use of ‘good character references’ in sent...

Councils to foot the bill under proposed government demerge legislation

6 February, 2024 - Local councils across NSW are expected to foot the bill for their own de-amalgamation under new proposed legislation by the Minns Labor gover...

Second live export voyage shows the craven live export industry prevails over animal welfare concern

5 February, 2024 - Greens Deputy Leader and Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has expressed grave concerns over news the department has approve...

Second live export voyage shows the craven live export industry prevails over animal welfare concerns

5 February, 2024 - Greens Deputy Leader and Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has expressed grave concerns over news the department has approve...


5 February, 2024 - Despite ACT Labor’s opposition to the push, the ACT Greens will this week table legislation to ban fossil fuel advertising in sport. “The ...

Committed to reducing First Nations over-representation in justice system

5 February, 2024 - The ACT Government has announced that the Jumbunna Institute of Indigenous Education and Research, at the University of Technology Sydney, wi...

Joint push for pill testing in Victoria gains steam as Parliament returns

5 February, 2024 - The push for pill testing in Victoria will gain steam this week as three cross-bench parties prepare to challenge the new Premier to take act...

Stage 3 Tax Cuts

4 February, 2024 - 1. Do the NT Greens welcome the tax cuts?  It is clear that original Stage 3 Tax Cuts were a remnant of a tired Morrison Coalition Go...

Maugean skate recovery team dismiss federal government advice

2 February, 2024 - Federal government advice to protect the Maugean skate from extinction by taking “urgent actions…prior to summer 2023” including “a reduction...

New logging rules abandon protections for endangered Greater Gliders

2 February, 2024 - The NSW Government has today announced changes that will remove protections for endangered Southern Greater Gliders despite dozens of communi...

Government’s claim Great Barrier Reef is not “in danger” is duplicitous and not fooling anyone 

2 February, 2024 - The Albanese government’s claim it’s “on track” to protect the Great Barrier Reef from being declared 'in danger' at an upcoming World Herita...

Celebrating World Wetlands Day

2 February, 2024 - Today marks World Wetlands Day, a day to remember the importance of wetlands to our environment. Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions ...