
Letter to the GI Editors

6 May, 2019 - From Bill Franssen, Dunsborough [Green Issue welcomes feedback from readers, which we would endeavour to publish in future editions] The Gre...

Bandt announces Greens push for Future of Work Commission

6 May, 2019 -   Bandt announces Greens push for Future of Work Commission Greens Deputy Leader and industrial relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP has today use...

PBO costing of Greens ‘Turn Up and Go’ train and tram services policy

6 May, 2019 - The Greens plan for ‘Turn Up and Go’ public transport, would run trains and trams at least every 10 minutes from 6am to 9pm, 7 days a week. The...

Rachel Siewert’s April Update

5 May, 2019 - By Senator Rachel Siewert It’s hard to believe that there are now just a few more days to polling day. And let’s just say I’m certainly relieve...

Progress on ‘War on Food Waste’ despite delay on food waste roll-out: ACT Greens

5 May, 2019 - The ACT Greens have today welcomed efforts to see food waste collected in Canberra’s green bin program, but expressed disappointment that the Gove...


5 May, 2019 - This May Day, the NT Greens are calling for the abolition of the unsuccessful, racist Community Development Program (CDP). A compulsory ‘work f...

MEDIA RELEASE+PHOTO: NSW Greens Launch Federal Election Campaign to Re-elect Senator Mehreen Faruqi

4 May, 2019 - LINK TO GROUP PHOTO: Hundreds of Greens members and supporters have joined ...

ACT Greens - ACT Budget 2019-2020

4 May, 2019 - The ACT Greens have today broadly welcomed this year’s Budget, including major investments in Justice Reinvestment, a strong Health agenda, and co...

Liberals’ empty environment promises

3 May, 2019 - The Liberal Party’s piecemeal promises on the environment will not undo the damage their billions of dollars in fossil fuel subsidies have done to...

Statement from Adam Bandt regarding the Labor candidate for Melbourne’s resignation.

3 May, 2019 - Statement from Adam Bandt regarding the Labor candidate for Melbourne’s resignation. Greens Adam Bandt MP today said that the decision by the Labo...

Diane Evers' April Update

2 May, 2019 - By Hon. Diane Evers, MLC, Member for South West Warriup Swamp-Lake Mullocullup Sadly, at the very end of March, the State Government announc...

Statement in relation to candidate for Barton

2 May, 2019 - Responding to reports about social media posts made by Barton candidate Connor Parissis, Greens NSW Campaign Coordinator, Andrew Blake made t...


2 May, 2019 - Timothy Parish, Greens candidate for Solomon, says the Greens anticipate strong support on the back of mounting community concerns over the threat...

Greens policy launched to reverse privatisation of public sector

2 May, 2019 - The Greens have announced their plan to restore the public service to 2013 staffing levels and put a cap on the use of consultants and contractors...