
There is still time to abandon disastrous music festival licensing rules: Greens

12 February, 2019 - The Greens are calling on NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian to abandon her disastrous new licensing regime for music festivals set to be introd...

Sacgasco PEP 11 decision shows community campaign working

12 February, 2019 - The Greens have credited the community campaign against an offshore gas proposal off the Coast of Newcastle, the Central Coast and Sydney fo...

NSW Greens launch plan for 1 million households to have solar in four years

12 February, 2019 -  The NSW Greens have today launched a $1.25 billion comprehensive plan to ensure at least one million extra households in NSW can eithe...

We must do more to save the natural world: Greens

11 February, 2019 - Australia needs to step up its efforts to protect vulnerable and endangered species, including insects, to combat mass extinction and set an...

PM's peanuts for women fleeing violence

11 February, 2019 - Resopnding to the Morrison Government's announcement on DV and family violence today, Greens spokesperson for women, Senator Larissa Waters ...

Court ruling on coal and climate change a game changer: Bandt

8 February, 2019 - Court ruling on coal and climate change a game changer: Bandt Today’s NSW Land and Environment Court ruling preventing a new coal mine in NSW...

Greens Welcome Tertiary Education Union Call for Free Higher Education

8 February, 2019 - Australian Greens Senator for NSW and Spokesperson for Education, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has welcomed the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU...

More electoral reform flagged as ACT Greens urge major parties to back gambling ban

8 February, 2019 - The Greens have today called on the major parties to ban gambling donations and large donations from corporates and major donors. “When i...

Breakthrough judgment on Rocky Hill: courts recognize climate change, when will Parliament?

8 February, 2019 - The Land and Environment Court has today handed down its decision on the Rocky Hill Coal Mine. This landmark decision is the first time we se...

Statement from Victorian Greens Co-Convenors

8 February, 2019 - Two proposals were put to Victorian Greens State Council on Saturday regarding transgender-exclusionary rhetoric. Contending views put forwar...

Greens’ Murray Darling Basin Royal Commission terms released

7 February, 2019 - The Australian Greens have today released draft terms of reference for a federal Royal Commission into the Murray Darling Basin.   “We know ...

Office of Senator Janet Rice - Volunteer Program

7 February, 2019 - Your chance to be part of democracy in action this federal election. Are you passionate about tackling our climate crisis? LGBTIQ+ rights? Ec...

Remembering Black Saturday

7 February, 2019 - This week, most Victorians will think back to exactly where they were on Black Saturday. For many, the memories are still incredibly raw a...

Planning law has power to destroy our community

7 February, 2019 - Greens call for immediate moratorium on manor houses. Greens Member for Ballina Tamara Smith MP is calling for an immediate moratorium on ...

Bird exports must be stopped and investigated

6 February, 2019 - Reports of more rare and endangered birds being exported to Germany and into the hands of a convicted criminal must be investigated urgently,...