
Electric vehicle Senate inquiry recommendations leave Australia in the slow lane: Greens

30 January, 2019 - The release today of the final report of the Select Committee on Electric Vehicles shows Australia is at risk of being left behind in the ele...

Canberra renters deserve a better deal

30 January, 2019 - Rental properties are people’s homes – and renters need to know they have adequate protections to ensure basic housing security. Our current ...

Murray Darling Basin management is sacrificing the environment

29 January, 2019 - The Murray Darling Basin Plan’s compromised legal status must be taken seriously by the SA and Federal governments following the delivery of ...

More fish deaths, still no action

28 January, 2019 - The Australian Greens have called on the Prime Minister Scott Morrison to visit the Lower Darling and see the environmental disaster for hims...

Murray Darling Basin Plan managers get an F

25 January, 2019 - The Productivity Commission’s scathing report into the Murray Darling Basin Plan shows it is failing and needs serious reform and transparenc...

Minister wrong on Kangaroo Island

25 January, 2019 - SA Environment Minister David Speirs is dead wrong when he claims that private development proposals for Flinders Chase National Park on...

Lismore Track Reopening Shows Greyhound Racing Reform Is a Farce

24 January, 2019 - Australian Greens Senator for NSW and Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has called the reopening of the Lismore racing trac...

Research demonstrating marriage equality postal survey was harmful to LGBTIQ+ people not a surprise, Greens

24 January, 2019 - New research showing the harm caused to LGBTIQ+ people by the marriage equality vote including elevated levels of depression, anxiety and str...

Free Higher Education Essential for Jobs of the Future

24 January, 2019 - Australian Greens Senator for NSW and Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has said free higher education is the key to ensuring e...

Greens: Waterloo redevelopment plans need a radical rethink

23 January, 2019 - Today’s announcement by the NSW Minister for Social Housing, Pru Goward on the plans for the redevelopment of the Waterloo housing estate rep...

David Littleproud has missed the boat on the MDB crisis

22 January, 2019 - The Liberal National Government must stand up to greedy corporate irrigators and the cotton industry by stopping them from taking more than t...

Hands off our environmental laws, Greens tell Mining lobby

22 January, 2019 - The Liberal National Government must reject the advice of the self-serving Mining Lobby pushing for changes to the Environmental Protection a...

Procuring a Better Environment

22 January, 2019 - The Greens have urged the new SA Productivity Commission to recommend that the State Government uses its multi-billion dollar spending budget...

Labor’s failure on public housing

22 January, 2019 - The Productivity Commission figures on housing released today should be a wake-up call for the Andrews government.   The Victorian Gr...