
Residential Tenancies Act reforms long overdue: ACT Greens

10 May, 2018 - The ACT Greens today urged the Government to deliver on a range of Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) reforms that have yet to be enacted, some two ...

Tim Clifford’s April Update

10 May, 2018 - Hon. Tim Clifford An astounding seven hundred plus people responded to a survey we distributed asking people about their experiences as a rent...

Meet Caroline Perks

10 May, 2018 - Sophie Greer Meet Caroline - a climate change policy expert and and a Perth local. "I worked personally on some of the best climate change polic...

Labor and Coalition gang up to vote down motion that calls for increase to Newstart

10 May, 2018 - The Labor party has sided with the Government to vote down a motion that calls for an increase to Newstart and Youth Allowance. “Despite the broa...

New breach by Gorgon pollution conditions revealed – Greens

10 May, 2018 - Wednesday 9th May 2018 Questions by The Greens (WA) in Parliament have confirmed a major breach by the Gorgon Gas Project of its environmental co...

Janet on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and river red gum forests

10 May, 2018 - Senator RICE:  I remember when the Murray-Darling Basin Plan was finalised about a decade ago, and there was such hope. We'd had the millennium d...

Australian Greens will reintroduce bill to increase Newstart and Youth Allowance

10 May, 2018 -   The Australian Greens will reintroduce legislation to increase the single rate of Newstart and Youth Allowance by $75 a week in the second half...

Residential Tenancies Act reforms long overdue: ACT Greens

10 May, 2018 - Caroline Le Couteur, MLA The ACT Greens today urged the Government to deliver on a range of Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) reforms that have yet...

Government and Labor vote down Greens push to reduce truck pollution, greenhouse gases and fuel consumption

10 May, 2018 - The Coalition and Labor have voted against a Greens amendment to a heavy vehicle regulation bill in the senate today that would have lead to redu...

ABC's budget slashed in Turnbull's latest broken promise

10 May, 2018 - Malcolm Turnbull’s 2018 Budget is the latest episode in this Government’s relentless assault on the ABC. "The ABC’s funding has been cut by a qua...

Australian Greens dissent from committee report into Government plans to drug test income support recipients

10 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens have dissented from the Community Affairs Legislation Committee report into the Government’s bill that would drug test Aust...

IDAHOBIT 2018 motion passes Senate

10 May, 2018 - Senator RICE (Victoria) (11:55):  I, and on behalf of Senator Pratt, move: That the Senate: (a) notes that:             (i) 17 May 2018 is Intern...

Government makes broken CDP worse despite promising overhaul

10 May, 2018 -  Changes by the Turnbull Government to the Community Development Program (CDP) in remote and regional Australia are tinkering around the edges, d...