
New breach by Gorgon pollution conditions revealed – Greens

10 May, 2018 - Wednesday 9th May 2018 Questions by The Greens (WA) in Parliament have confirmed a major breach by the Gorgon Gas Project of its environmental co...

Janet on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and river red gum forests

10 May, 2018 - Senator RICE:  I remember when the Murray-Darling Basin Plan was finalised about a decade ago, and there was such hope. We'd had the millennium d...

Budget ignores climate change despite rising pollution: Bandt

9 May, 2018 - Budget ignores climate change despite rising pollution: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP said that despite the im...

Greens say Turnbull’s high earner tax cuts are a handout to men, leaving women’s equality further behind

9 May, 2018 - The Greens have used ATO income statistics to highlight that the Turnbull Government’s tax cuts for high income earners will disproportionately be...

Budget ignores climate change despite rising pollution: Bandt

9 May, 2018 - Budget ignores climate change despite rising pollution: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP said that despite the im...

Janet on the 70th anniversary of al Nakba – Palestine

9 May, 2018 - Senator RICE (Victoria) (21:12):  Thanks, Mr. Acting Deputy President. Tonight I'm wearing around my neck a pendant of Handala. Handala is a belov...

Greens say Turnbull’s high earner tax cuts are a handout to men, leaving women’s equality further behind

9 May, 2018 - The Greens have used ATO income statistics to highlight that the Turnbull Government’s tax cuts for high income earners will disproportionately be...

Labor teams up with Turnbull to sell out environment, river and South Australia

8 May, 2018 - This is worse than a shocking deal from the Labor Party and the Turnbull Government. It’s a heartbreaking one. They have teamed up together to put...

Malcolm Turnbull’s Trump-style budget a dead end for Australia

8 May, 2018 - “Rarely do budgets give us such stark choices about what kind of future we want for our country, but this one surely does. We have a clear choice ...

Greens to introduce bill to remove tampon tax

8 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens will today give notice to introduce a bill to the Senate to repeal the tampon tax. “After 18 years, it’s time to finally axe...

Greens to introduce bill to remove tampon tax

8 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens will today give notice to introduce a bill to the Senate to repeal the tampon tax. “After 18 years, it’s time to finally axe...

Janet on the extension of Regional Forest Agreements

8 May, 2018 - Senator RICE (Victoria) (17:47):  I move: That the Senate take note of the documents. These amendments to the regional forest agreements for the C...