
ACT Greens: Smaller housing and improved planning for a growing Territory

3 April, 2018 - The ACT Greens have today called for a major review of development rules for Canberra’s residential areas to ensure future housing is diverse as...

Greens renew push for independent body to investigate complaints of police brutality

3 April, 2018 - The Victorian Greens are renewing their calls to establish an independent body to investigate complaints of police brutality in light of a distr...

Turnbull’s road funding nothing but a pork-barreling band aid.

3 April, 2018 - Malcolm Turnbull’s announcement of a small amount of road funding to shore up vulnerable Liberal seats in south-east Queensland simply exposes t...

ACT Greens: Smaller housing and improved planning for a growing Territory

3 April, 2018 - Caroline Le Couteur, MLA The ACT Greens have today called for a major review of development rules for Canberra’s residential areas to ensure fut...

From L plates to no plates: road safety reforms to prioritise road safety, community views sought

3 April, 2018 - Shane Rattenbury, MLAThe community is encouraged to share their thoughts on special considerations the Government must have for new reforms that...

Victorian Opposition Leader Matthew Guy unapologetic about ‘deceitful’ Good Friday vote

3 April, 2018 - Upper House Greens MP Sue Pennicuik said the new precedent set by the Liberals on Good Friday would have ramifications for everyone in Parliamen...

Australia: let’s transition away from coal. Coalition: let’s form a coal faction.

3 April, 2018 - “What more proof do you need of the sickness in our political system than Coalition backbenchers forming a coal faction, says Senator for Queens...

ACT Greens’ land tax exemption to help tackle housing affordability crisis

30 March, 2018 - A move from the Greens to tackle the ACT’s housing crisis has finally been realised in a new land tax exemption for socially responsible landlo...

Greens bill prohibits balloon release

29 March, 2018 - Tuesday, 27 March 2018 The Greens (WA) introduced legislation this week that seeks to prohibit the use and release of party balloons outdoors, ...

Baking buns for the community and AMC visitors

29 March, 2018 - Shane Rattenbury, MLA Detainees working in the Alexander Maconochie Centre Bakery are giving back to the community this Easter by providing hot...

Government agency’s mass exodus of at least 110 staff due to Barnaby Joyce’s blatant pork barrel, say Greens

29 March, 2018 - New figures showing that an expected mass exodus of 110 staff from the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Agency (APVMA) is entirely...

Think safety this long weekend: Takata airbag recall

29 March, 2018 - Before hitting the road this Easter long weekend, Canberrans are reminded to take the five minutes to check their vehicle is not impacted by th...

Senate committee tables report on transvaginal mesh implants

28 March, 2018 - The Senate Community Affairs References committee has tabled its report on the risks and impacts of transvaginal mesh implants, which have been...

Greens to artists: your rights are our priority

28 March, 2018 - “While the Greens support digital innovation and regulation, we’re never going to support throwing creative artists under the bus,” Greens arts...