
There needs to be truth-telling about January 26 when City of Cockburn consults further

9 March, 2018 - Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has urged the City of Cockburn to include important information about the true history of January 26 wh...

Cuts to support payment for people seeking asylum

9 March, 2018 - Peter Dutton’s cuts to support payments for people seeking asylum are cruel, punitive and unfair, Greens Immigration Spokesperson Nick McKim say...

Niall Blair must go to renew faith in Murray Darling Basin Plan compliance: Greens

9 March, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on NSW regional water minister Niall Blair to be sacked after revelations Water NSW grossly misled the Ombudsm...

There needs to be truth-telling about January 26 when City of Cockburn consults further

9 March, 2018 - Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has urged the City of Cockburn to include important information about the true history of January 26 wh...

Niall Blair must go to renew faith in Murray Darling Basin Plan compliance: Greens

9 March, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on NSW regional water minister Niall Blair to be sacked after revelations Water NSW grossly misled the Ombudsm...

Greens MP hopes for bi-partisan Vegetation Management action

9 March, 2018 - Michael Berkman, Greens MP for Maiwar, has today called on all parties and stakeholders to put politics aside in implementing a Vegetation Manag...

Cuts to support payment for people seeking asylum

9 March, 2018 - Peter Dutton’s cuts to support payments for people seeking asylum are cruel, punitive and unfair, Greens Immigration Spokesperson Nick McKim say...

This long weekend, Canberra looks to Vision Zero

9 March, 2018 - Shane Rattenbury, MLA With three lives already lost on ACT roads this year, the ACT Government is again calling on Canberrans to drive safety an...

People power can defeat TPP

9 March, 2018 - The Greens stand with the Australian community in the fight to defeat the corporation-serving Trans Pacific Partnership. “The Greens will fight ...

Berkman stands with Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners Council

9 March, 2018 - Queensland Greens MP, Michael Berkman, the Member for Maiwar, today stands once again beside the Wangan and Jagalingou Traditional Owners Counci...

Commonwealth urged to work as a matter of urgency to achieve redress in WA

9 March, 2018 - WA Greens Senator Rachel Siewert and Alison Xamon MLC welcome the Victorian and NSW Governments agreeing to sign up to a national redress scheme...

ACT Government welcomes Health Services Commissioner review

9 March, 2018 - Shane Rattenbury, MLA The ACT Government today welcomed the Health Services Commissioner’s Review of the Opioid Replacement Treatment Program at...

Queensland Labor should return $100,000 given to them by the gambling industry since 2015.

9 March, 2018 - Queensland Labor should return the $100,000 given to them by the gambling industry says Queensland Greens Senator and spokesperson for gambling,...

Michael Berkman Greens MP calls for stronger action on political donations

9 March, 2018 - The Member for Maiwar, Queensland Greens MP, Michael Berkman today reiterated the need for broad electoral funding reform and banning political ...

Where there’s a will …. something will fall out of the sky!

8 March, 2018 - Rob Delves Christine Milne ‒ the dairy farmers daughter who became the Australian Greens leader – was obviously strongly influenced by Bob Br...