
No means no? Yes means yes, say ACT Greens

19 February, 2018 - Caroline Le Couteur, MLA The ACT Greens will this week table draft legislation redefining consent under ACT criminal law, bringing the ACT i...

Scholarships to empower Canberrans with a mental illness

16 February, 2018 - Shane Rattenbury, MLA A ground-breaking Mental Health Scholarship scheme at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) sees Canberrans exper...

New Victims of Crime Commissioner appointed

16 February, 2018 - Shane Rattenbury, MLA Ms Heidi Yates has been appointed the ACT’s Victims of Crime Commissioner. Ms Yates is presently the Head of General P...

Resetting the Closing the Gap strategy

16 February, 2018 - Senator Rachel Siewert The report this year from the steering committee is in fact a 10-year review of the Closing the Gap strategy and reco...

10 Questions for Alex Bhathal

16 February, 2018 - Ahead of the upcoming Batman by-election, Greens candidate Alex Bhathal tackles 10 quick questions. By Australian Greens    

We lead, they follow

16 February, 2018 - Senator Richard Di Natale's Senate adjournment speech on why the Greens lead the national policy debate—and why we would welcome a Labor bac...

20 Questions with Roxanne Kennedy-Perriman

16 February, 2018 - Roxanne Kennedy-Perriman takes some time out of her busy schedule to share her insights as Queensland's Volunteer Membership Convenor Assist...

Billions of litres of environmental water saved from the clutches of greedy corporate irrigators

15 February, 2018 - The Australian Greens’ push to stop billions of litres of water from being stripped from the environment to feather the nests of greedy corp...

Old parties vote down $75 increase to Newstart in the Senate

15 February, 2018 - The Turnbull Government and the Labor party have together voted down a Senate motion calling for an increase of the single rate of Newstart ...

Independent audit of Murray Darling Basin Plan must begin immediately

15 February, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling for an independent audit of the Murray Darling Basin Plan, including where taxpayers’ money has been spent...

Automating Centrelink debt recovery still a disaster: Greens

15 February, 2018 - One in six robo-debts being wiped or changed in the first year shows that the program continues to be a disaster, Australian Greens Senator ...

Carbon Capture and Storage won’t save coal & is a waste of money and a waste of time: Bandt

15 February, 2018 - Carbon Capture and Storage won’t save coal & is a waste of money and a waste of time: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Ad...

ACT Greens: Rates changes for fair and equitable Canberra

15 February, 2018 - The ACT Greens today reinforced our commitment to ensure tax reform and rates concessions are made accessible to vulnerable Canberra househo...

Old parties vote down $75 increase to Newstart in the Senate

15 February, 2018 - The Turnbull Government and the Labor party have together voted down a Senate motion calling for an increase of the single rate of Newstart ...

NEG must not stymie climate action elsewhere, must deliver on a clean energy future: ACT

15 February, 2018 - Shane Rattenbury, MLA Serious reform is required if the Federal Government’s National Energy Guarantee (NEG) is to allow states and territor...