
OECD calls for action on infrastructure and housing

23 September, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, commented today on the release of the OECD’s Interim Economic Outlook. Senator Wh...

Education meeting failure; no road-map towards needs-based funding

23 September, 2016 - The Australian Greens have criticised today's meeting of Education Minister's as a talk-fest, saying that it has done nothing to move towar...

Senate Reform – Nick's Speech

23 September, 2016 - Senator McKIM I am very proud to rise to support the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016, legislation that puts the power over prefe...

Living with dementia

23 September, 2016 - Emma Davidson “It really concerns me that we're developing an aged care system with the haves and have-nots. If you've got money, you can g...

Pretty speeches abroad, human rights violations at home

22 September, 2016 - The Prime Minister's pitch for UN Human Rights Council Membership appears to be operating in a parallel universe, the Australian Greens sai...

Pretty speeches abroad, human rights violations at home

22 September, 2016 - The Prime Minister's pitch for UN Human Rights Council Membership appears to be operating in a parallel universe, the Australian Greens sai...

Needs based funding required, not government excuses for funding cuts

22 September, 2016 - Needs based support for schools must be guaranteed beyond the funding cliff set up by the Abbott/Turnbull government, the Australian Greens...

Melbourne train overcrowding worsens, again...

22 September, 2016 - Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber says new PTV data shows train overcrowding has gotten worse in the past year. "After four years in oppo...

Greens call on Morrison and Joyce to come to Tasmania to face the music on the backpacker tax

21 September, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson and Senator for Tasmania, Peter Whish-Wilson, says that Barnaby Joyce and Scott Morrison need to take responsi...

Australia's Humanitarian Intake

21 September, 2016 - Prime Minister Turnbull has confirmed overnight that Australia’s humanitarian intake will remain below 2012-13 levels, Greens Immigration s...

Same-old same-old as Government continues punitive approaches to income support

21 September, 2016 - Yesterday Minister Porter described the proposed welfare overhaul as ‘revolutionary’ and then went on to talk about the same old paternalis...

PM begging for TPP trade agreement against Aus interest

20 September, 2016 - Malcolm Turnbull should stop begging the United States to pass the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership and instead act in the national int...