Older People

Every older person deserves respect, dignity, and the high-quality care they need to live fulfilling lives. 

Unfortunately, aged care in Australia is dominated by for-profit providers, long waiting times, and inadequate support, leaving too many older people neglected and underserved. 

Labor and Liberal governments have prioritised profits and user-pays models, funnelling funds to for-profit providers while neglecting accountability and quality care. 

The Greens are committed to putting older people before profits by reforming the system with universal access, accountability, and care centred on human rights and community well-being.

Explore our plan

Care before profits: putting older people first

Aged care should prioritise people, not profits. 

The Greens will implement a human rights-based approach to ensure all older Australians receive high-quality care when needed. 

The Greens' plan:

  • Enhance the aged care workforce by providing low-cost and accessible pathways to qualifications for aged care workers and implementing a national registration scheme for all personal care workers, ensuring high-quality care for older Australians.
  • Improve accountability and transparency in aged care by strengthening governance requirements and enforcing stronger whistleblower protections to protect both residents and workers.
  • Guarantee access to allied health services, in-home and residential care, outreach support, companion pets, and assistive technology to ensure older people receive holistic care.
  • Raise care standards by implementing minimum worker requirements and making aged care rights legally enforceable, ensuring dignity and respect for every individual.
Reduce home care wait times to 30 days

Long waiting times for home care packages force many older Australians into residential care prematurely. 

The Greens will ensure everyone can access home care when they need it.

The Greens' plan:

  • Achieve reduced waiting times by uncapping the total number of Home Care Packages.
  • Ensure timely access by funding Aged Care Assessment Teams to process applications within 30 days.


Establish a National Aged Care Redress Scheme

Older Australians harmed in aged care deserve justice and support.

The Greens will create a redress scheme to recognise and repair the harm caused by neglect and abuse.

The Greens' plan:

  • Provide justice by implementing monetary payments for survivors of aged care harm.
  • Support recovery by offering psychosocial, social, and legal assistance to survivors and their families.
  • Acknowledge harm by establishing truth-telling forums and issuing an official apology.
  • Ensure safety by funding logistical support for survivors to transition to safer living spaces.