Victorian News

Rural kids being left behind in dental health deserts

16 November, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Labor Government to urgently address the dental health care deserts across regional Victor...

Greens MP suspended from Parliament over pro-climate selfie

15 November, 2023 - Both Labor and the Liberals have today voted to suspend Greens MP Gabrielle de Vietri from the chamber for refusing to apologise for taking ...

Labor forced to come clean on plan to demolish public housing towers

15 November, 2023 - The Victorian Labor Government has been asked to come clean on its plan to demolish 44 public housing towers and privatise the majority of t...

Labor must take up offer for free pill testing trial in Victoria this summer

15 November, 2023 - The Greens have urged the Victorian Labor Government to take up an offer being made by public health experts to establish a free pill testin...

Petition triggers special parliament debate on Labor's disastrous coal-to-hydrogen project

15 November, 2023 - A community petition against Labor’s new coal-to-hydrogen project will trigger a debate in Parliament this afternoon, forcing the Labor stat...

Renters take to street to demand greater protection from rent hikes

11 November, 2023 - Victorian renters fed up with Labor turning their backs on their rights will gather today at a rally organised by the Greens, the Renters an...

Greens to stand up for workers against Labor's harsh WorkCover changes

10 November, 2023 - The Victorian Greens will vote against Labor’s WorkCover changes that will see injured workers denied support or kicked off the scheme. V...

Greens join union, workers at rally outside Coles AGM to stop supermarket price gouging

3 November, 2023 - The Victorian Greens will join the Retail and Fast Food Workers Union (RAFFWU) and Coles workers for a rally outside the supermarket giant’s ...

This year's Melbourne Cup must be the last: Greens

3 November, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have said this year’s Melbourne Cup must be the last, and have called on Labor to spend less money propping up the racin...

Labor isn't taking housing crisis seriously: Greens costing reveals ten times more rentals could be released

2 November, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have said part of their plan to solve the state’s housing crisis could see more than 10,000 homes freed up as rentals, a...

Vacancy tax bill delayed, following Greens pressure for strong housing reform

2 November, 2023 - The Victorian Labor Government has moved to delay a vote on its own state taxation bill, after the Greens said they would need a commitment t...

Woolworths and Coles taking Victorians for a ride, Greens push for inquiry into food affordability

2 November, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have said pressure is mounting on the Victorian Labor Government to take on the supermarket duopoly, after Choice crowne...

Minister diaries should be made public, advisers accountable in wake of Daintree report

31 October, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have said if Labor is serious about curtailing ‘grey level’ corruption in state politics, they must open Ministerial dia...

Labor must stop ignoring experts on pill testing and help save young Victorian lives

23 October, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have said Labor needs stop ignoring expert health advice and introduce pill testing as a matter of urgency, to help keep...

Greens issue challenge to government on housing plan: fix the crisis or we won't support it

19 October, 2023 -   The Victorian Greens have said Labor must commit to strong reforms to ease the state’s housing crisis in order to guarantee passage...