Green Issue

Newsletter of The Greens (WA)

Vol. 28, No. 6
December 2019


Forests For Life

A 2020 Vision for the Forests

Forests and Climate Change

Forests play a key role in determining climate, locally and globally, and their importance increases as global temperatures rise

Are old-growth forests really protected?

Despite the promise of protection of WA’s old-growth forests in 2001, there are dubious definitions of what constitutes “old-growth”

Secret exports are scandalous

But the real crime is what is happening in the forests

From our MPs

Rachel Siewert’s December Update

Shining a light on the deficiencies of Newstart, Jobactive, robodebt and the cashless debit card, but more to do in 2020

Alison Xamon’s December Update

So much activity this year across all of my portfolios – right across the social justice spectrum – and finding time for increased climate activism

Diane Evers’ December Update

The hard work in passing the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill, and introduction of Rights of Nature, Environment Court and Royalties for Regions Amendment Bills

Tim Clifford’s December Update

Gearing up for effective climate action in 2020 and indeed for the new, critical, decade we are just entering

Find historic Green Issues here: Green Issue Archive

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Published by The Greens (WA) ABN 41 747 355 722, Level 1, 440 William St, Perth WA 6000.

Contributing editors Chris Johansen, Rob Delves, Julie Scanlon, Max Larkin, Anthony Pyle, Steele Walster. Technical advice Pete. 

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of The Greens (WA).