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Empowering our Green parties in the Asia Pacific

22 January, 2021 - The Australian Greens are always busy fighting for a better future here at home, but the work we do around the world is just as important. Th...

Getting to know our new MPs: Jo Clay

22 January, 2021 - 2020 was a huge year for the Greens around the country – particularly in the ACT, where we tripled our representation in the Assembly at the ...

Recognising Invasion Day as a day of mourning

22 January, 2021 - After more than 200 years of colonisation, too many Australians still think 26 January is a day of celebration. Ahead of this year’s Invasion...

The New Climate War: an interview with climate scientist Michael E Mann

22 January, 2021 - Ahead of the Australian release of his new book The New Climate War – which offers a battle plan to save the planet – renowned climate scient...

Why the Australian Greens need a men’s wellbeing policy

22 January, 2021 - At first glance, anything regarding politics has always been addressed to men’s concerns. But now is the time to intentionally address men as...

Change is possible

18 December, 2020 - Earlier this year, Lidia Thorpe made history by being the first Aboriginal person elected to represent Victoria in the Senate. In this excer...

City of men

18 December, 2020 - Widely, daily and by design, the modern city excludes those of us who don’t occupy straight white able cis male bodies. And while we can’t e...

Getting to know our new MPs: Emma Davidson

18 December, 2020 - 2020 has been a huge year for the Greens around the country – particularly in the ACT, where we tripled our representation in the Assembly a...

Outliving nuclear weapons

18 December, 2020 - The only way to outlive nuclear weapons is to eliminate nuclear weapons. It is either them or us. So has the ongoing nuclear weapons standof...

We’re on a roll

18 December, 2020 - Well, what a year it’s been. In this adapted version of his welcome speech to last month’s National Conference, Adam Bandt shares some of ou...

Justice for First Nations people means Truth, Treaty, and Voice

1 December, 2020 - In a year when the Black Lives Matter movement grew globally and at home with a call to dismantle systemic oppression and racism, it is time ...

Blak Greens leading our party to Truth, Treaty and Voice

27 November, 2020 - We all have more work to do to decolonise our parliaments and our party.  This month, we made significant progress on the Australian Gr...