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How can you take meaningful action against the climate emergency?

27 November, 2020 - We know the federal government, along with most state jurisdictions, are dragging their feet on climate action. But local governments have s...

Local government is a great place to build our movement

27 November, 2020 - In Victoria’s recent local government elections, the Greens experienced historic wins around the state. It shows our messages have a br...

The shipping industry is killing our climate

27 November, 2020 - Last year, ships moved more than 11 billion tonnes of our stuff around the globe – and emitted more carbon than the aviation industry. It’s ...

Turning anger into action

27 November, 2020 - This month the world continued to change before our eyes, in some ways for the better. All of this is leaving Australia out in the cold, wit...

A budget for some of us

23 October, 2020 - This year we’ve faced a global pandemic and an economic crisis – not to mention the spiralling climate emergency and the many pre-existing fa...

A green wave of hope

23 October, 2020 - It’s been the toughest year in memory for so many of us. But what we’re seeing now is a green wave across the country – and for the first tim...

Empowering Greens around the world

23 October, 2020 - This year, the Asia Pacific Greens have developed 20 policy frameworks to help empower their new and emerging member parties. The frameworks ...

How will eligible Australians vote in the US election?

23 October, 2020 - On November 3, the US will go to the polls to decide whether Donald Trump is returned for a second term or if Joe Biden takes his place. Five...

There’s no time left not to do everything

23 October, 2020 - Continuing a supplicant politics, where we beg or demand of governments that they act, is both destined to fail and underplaying our hand. So...

A tale of two recoveries

25 September, 2020 - The pandemic and its resulting economic crisis continues to cut an unpredictable path through our lives, with millions doing it tough....

Are we about to see Greens in government across the ditch?

25 September, 2020 - New Zealanders are finally heading to the polls next month, and we’ve got our sights set on the strong possibility of the NZ Green Party ha...

Getting to know Lidia Thorpe

25 September, 2020 - Parliament needs to reflect the people it serves, but with its overabundance of older white men it doesn’t currently do that. Enter Lidia T...