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Activating Asia-Pacific’s emerging leaders

23 April, 2021 - The Asia-Pacific Greens Federation does incredible work supporting Green movements across our region to build a just and sustainable future. No...

Building gender equity in Asia Pacific Green parties

23 April, 2021 - While we were marching for justice for women across Australia last month, the Australian Greens were also working for gender equity measures wi...

Enough is enough

29 March, 2021 - Earlier this month, long-held rage at systemic sexism boiled over into the powerful #March4Justice movement around the country. Community campa...

Fight for the future

29 March, 2021 - Over the past 12 months, the Greens have conducted a widespread consultation of you – our members and supporters – about what you would like to...

Getting to know our new MPs: Rebecca Vassarotti

29 March, 2021 - 2020 was a huge year for the Greens around the country – particularly in the ACT, where we tripled our representation in the Assembly at the Oc...

Let’s talk about billionaires

29 March, 2021 - While everyone else suffers through this pandemic, the billionaires and big corporations are making out like bandits. In this excerpt from his ...

They’ll outspend us – again

29 March, 2021 - Have you noticed we’ve been asking for donations more than usual over the past months? It’s because we can’t compete with the old parties witho...

An election, COVID, JobSeeker cuts and dirty money: welcome to 2021

19 February, 2021 - It has been a pretty strange 12 months for everyone, and it looks to get even stranger. Once again, the coming year will be defined by COVID...

Getting to know our new MPs: Andrew Braddock

19 February, 2021 - 2020 was a huge year for the Greens around the country – particularly in the ACT, where we tripled our representation in the Assembly at the...

The results are in on the Greens’ 2020/21 supporter survey

19 February, 2021 - Thousands of you recently took time out to respond to our latest supporter survey, which is invaluable to shaping the work we do – especiall...

What happens in WA affects us all: Why next month’s state election matters

19 February, 2021 - Western Australia’s state election is on March 13th, with many people expected to vote early from February 22nd. Greens MLC and Spokesperson...

Why we need to change the electoral system

19 February, 2021 - Australia’s single-member district system creates two-party dominance that makes it more difficult for the Greens to become a partner in gov...