Can you spot yourself in the best of our polling booth photos?


Following the election in May, we received scores of photos from people like you around the country. Here are some of our favourites – are you in there?

By the Australian Greens

Election day is always exciting, unpredictable – and a lot of fun.

While the ultimate outcome isn't quite what any of us had expected or hoped for, the Greens did experience our second-highest vote ever and returned all our federal MPs to Parliament.

That's an amazing achievement we can attribute to the tireless work of our movement, including the many thousands of volunteers who showed up on election day to represent the Greens at polling places around the country.

In our post-election survey, we asked our supporters to share some snaps of the day – and you came through with some real winners. Here are some of our favourites:

Qld baby
Handing out for Larissa Waters in Queensland, with a little extra help.
Higgins vols with Jason Ball
A happy bunch of volunteers with Jason Ball in Higgins.
Greens cat selfie
Sharing the moment with a feline friend.
SA Greens
Greens volunteers in SA with Major 'Moogy' Sumner.
Vollie Barrie Cassidy
A volunteer with the legendary Barrie Cassidy.
Greens vollie Howard Abbott
The ultimate photo-bomb in NSW.
Higgins volunteers
Happy volunteers in Higgins, Victoria.
Greens caravan Jamie Dixon
Illawarra candidate Jamie Dixon and a volunteer with the Greens caravan.
Handing out for Mehreen
Handing out for Mehreen in NSW.
Border collie volunteers
Volunteers with a furry friend.
Happy climate campaigner
Sharing the message of the election.
WA volunteers
Volunteers in WA.

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