Stephen Bates

Federal Member for Brisbane

Hi, I'm Stephen, your Federal MP for the electorate of Brisbane.

I’m passionate about renters’ rights and housing justice, universal and free health and education, climate action, and putting people before profit.

I’m proud to represent you. I look forward to catching-up at a pop-up office, free community BBQ, or local event. For details, follow me on social media.

On this page

Local spotlight

New Riverfront Park for Skyring Terrace

It’s well beyond time for Governments to future-proof the area with new green space and community facilities

Housing and the 2032 Games

The 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games threatens to make the housing crisis drastically worse for the residents of Brisbane City.

Brisbane Flight Noise

It's time to turn down the volume on flight noise over Brisbane

Latest from Stephen

Labor’s budget betrays LGBTIQA+ community

15 May, 2024 - Labor’s third budget has betrayed the queer community with all funding for the 10 Year National Action Plan on LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing disa...

Religious discrimination review can't be a trojan horse for hate

18 March, 2024 - The Australian Law Reform Commission’s review into religious educational institutions and anti-discrimination laws will be tabled in Parliament...

NSW Police prefer pinkwashing to real accountability

29 February, 2024 - The pressure that the NSW Police, conservative media and state government have placed on Mardi Gras to change their decision to uninvite the...

National Campaigns

Rent Freeze Now

Under Labor, the housing crisis is getting worse. It's time to make unlimited rent increases illegal.

Lower the Voting Age

It’s time to lower the voting age to 16, take power back and unf#*k our future.

No More Coal & Gas

Labor are putting big corporations first, and our planet second. It's time to make it clear: no more coal & gas in a climate crisis.

Brisbane, meet your MP

Hi, I’m Stephen, and I'm your Federal MP for Brisbane

The electorate of Brisbane is home to the second youngest voting demographic in Australia, as well as established community members who have made this city what it is today. It is a vibrant epicentre of arts, culture, sports and entertainment, and proudly hosts many of our LGBTQIA+ community venues, events and organisations. 

I couldn’t be more grateful to have the opportunity to represent such a diverse and iconic part of the country. The best part of the job is meeting with you all and connecting with our community. 

I want to hear about your issues, so please reach out. My team and I are here to help.


Stephen Bates

Federal Member for Brisbane

Stephen's Portfolios



349 Sandgate Road, Albion QLD 4010
Mail: PO Box 143 Albion DC QLD 4010
Phone (07) 3862 4044

I was elected in the federal election on 21 May 2022, and I hold the Australian Greens’ portfolios of LGBTIQA+ and Youth. I graduated UQ with a Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Social and Public Policy. 

My interest in politics began when, while studying, I took an opportunity to work in the United States.

In the US, I experienced the consequences of a government that legislates people into poverty. I walked into the store room at my workplace. One of my co-workers was crying because she had to make a decision - pay for her insulin or her rent. I comforted her but I knew that there was nothing I could do. At this moment, a fire was lit inside of me, and I knew I had to make sure this situation could never happen to anyone back home in Australia.

I joined the Greens on the night of the 2019 Federal election, and forged an extraordinary grassroots campaign to win the seat of Brisbane.

Now, as your MP, I fight for everyday people and our communities, because I refuse corporate donations and I’m not beholden to their interests. 

My top priorities:

  • Tackling the climate crisis with 100% renewable energy by 2030, rebooting QLD manufacturing with solar panels, wind turbines, and green steel, and investing in public transport and high speed rail.
  • Expanding our health system to fully cover dental and mental healthcare into Medicare.
  • Getting corporate money out of politics by banning corporate donations and establishing a gold standard Federal ICAC to hold politicians to account.
  • Ensuring that our country puts people before profits, be it in the fight against climate change and bad developments like Brisbane Airport’s new flight paths, or in the struggle for healthcare access and free education.
  • Creating affordable, safe housing for all and enshrining robust renters rights.

– Stephen Bates