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Professional engineer registration scheme now established in ACT

23 March, 2023 - The Professional Engineers Act 2023 was passed today in the ACT Legislative Assembly. Minister for Sustainable Building and Constructio...

Halving spend on consultancies would save $1.5 billion over the next ten years

23 March, 2023 - With reports overnight that the Victorian Labor Government’s spending on consultancies has rocketed 200 per cent since Daniel Andrews was first...

Greens announce plan for greyhound racing ban and industry transition

22 March, 2023 - Lambton (Awabakal country): Abigail Boyd, Greens MP and Animal Welfare spokesperson, has today joined candidate for Wallsend Rebecca Watkins an...

New cracking in Woronora Dam catchment risks unexpected water security issues

22 March, 2023 - A new report that was commissioned by the Nature Conservation Council (NCC) to investigate the effects of long wall coal mining beneath the Wor...

Greens Call for Royal Commission into Murray Darling Basin Management

22 March, 2023 - Greens MP and water spokesperson Cate Faehrmann has called for a royal commission into the management of the Murray-Darling Basin, following th...

Greens call for Poverty Reduction Package in May Budget

22 March, 2023 - Following a ACOSS/UNSW report released today highlighting the inadequacy of Australia’s social security system and the depth of poverty fo...

ACT Region’s water quality reaches new heights in latest catchment health report

22 March, 2023 - The latest Catchment Health Indicator Program (CHIP) report shows that water quality across the ACT region has improved, making 2022 the best y...

Murdoch Royal Commission needs support from all sides of politics

21 March, 2023 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens Spokesperson for Media and Communications, has welcomed the appointment of Malcolm Turnbull and Sharan Burro...

Heads Must Roll at Water NSW over Fish Kills, so Where’s the Water Minister: Greens MP after Menindee visit

21 March, 2023 - Heads must roll and people must be held accountable at Water NSW after repeated mistakes led to the worst fish kill in Menindee on record, says...


21 March, 2023 - Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is a time to reflect on our actions as individuals and as a soc...

Greens and Legalise Cannabis secure key integrity reform recommended by former IBAC commissioner

21 March, 2023 - The Victorian Greens and the Legalise Cannabis Party have secured a significant reform to Victoria’s integrity system that integrity bodies and...

Victoria's anti-vilification laws must be expanded to protect LGBTIQA+ community

21 March, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have called on the Victorian Labor Government to urgently expand the state’s anti-vilification laws to protect LGBTIQA+ co...

ACT Government leads the way in strengthening renters’ rights with historic ban on ‘no cause’ evictions

21 March, 2023 - The ACT Government is leading the way in strengthening renters’ rights by becoming the first Australian jurisdiction to remove all forms of ten...

We must end coal and gas by 2030 and stop pouring fuel on the climate crisis: Greens

21 March, 2023 - On the back of the latest alarming IPCC report, the Greens have reiterated their policy platform of no new coal and gas by 2030, a meaningful j...

Greens introduce motion to demand answers on brown-coal-to-hydrogen project

21 March, 2023 - The Victorian Greens will today introduce a motion to the Victorian Parliament that, if passed, would require the state government to produce a...