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Greens to refer offshore wind farm bill to inquiry for scrutiny

2 September, 2021 - The Greens have welcomed the introduction of the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill 2021 and Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (Regu...

Brad Pettitt’s August Update

2 September, 2021 - Addressing the housing and homelessness crisis, updating a Climate Bill and celebrating Class A Reserve classification for Beeliar Wetlands ...

Green Issue: Editorial August 2021

2 September, 2021 - By The Green Issue Editors Young people without financial inheritance are finding it increasingly difficult to access adequately remunera...

Supporting tenants and landlords affected by ACT lockdown

2 September, 2021 - The ACT Government is committing $5.25 million in Emergency support measures to help residential and commercial renters and landlo...

Supporting the artists who support us

2 September, 2021 - Art makes life better - it gives us a voice, a sense of place, collective identity and culture. It gives our lives meaning. “As a writer,...

Government and One Nation leave women unsafe by blocking amendments

1 September, 2021 - The government and One Nation have blocked crucial amendments from the Greens and Labor that would have implemented the centrepiece of the R...

Workers lose as corporations gain

1 September, 2021 - Companies claiming a bigger share of profits at the direct expense of workers shows the need to properly tax big corporations and the super ...

Ley not giving devils their due

1 September, 2021 - The Greens have condemned Environment Minister Sussan Ley for lifting a ban on Venture Minerals trucking ore at night along a 112km stretch ...

Greens introduce bill to ban greyhound export

1 September, 2021 - The Greens have introduced a bill to parliament that would ban the export of greyhounds from Australia for commercial purposes including bre...

After a month of truth telling, time for action

1 September, 2021 - Today Greens MP David Shoebridge releases the fourth and final video in the truth telling series about the Frontier Wars in the Hunter Valle...

Government's pathway out of restrictions must include support for disadvantaged Victorians

1 September, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed the state government’s announcement today, but say that now it’s clear many restrictions will last for qu...

Nothing but the sound of silence on Equal Pay Day

31 August, 2021 - On Equal Pay Day the Greens have called on the PM to act immediately to close the gender pay gap, with the gulf between men’s and women’s earn...

Harvey Norman makes record profits as inequality soars

31 August, 2021 - Harvey Norman’s record profits show the need to make big corporations and billionaires pay their fair share of tax, the Greens say. “Harvey No...

Greens introduce bill for Federal Environment Watchdog

31 August, 2021 - The Greens have today introduced legislation to establish a Federal Environment Watchdog to enforce Australia’s environment laws.  Greens Envi...

First Nations vaccine rollout reveals usual lack of care and incompetence

31 August, 2021 - The Greens say that the Government's approach to vaccinating First Nations people, disabled people and aged care residents, has been unaccepta...