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A bold vision for South Australia

14 August, 2021 - Today the South Australian Greens announce a bold vision for South Australia, a vision that will deliver a fairer future for all South Austral...

Kids must be part of national vaccine target

13 August, 2021 - Kids and teenagers must be included in the government's national vaccine targets, Greens leader, Adam Bandt, said today. Young people deserve ...

The New South Wales Department of Justice is Failing First Nations Communities, say Greens

13 August, 2021 - This week, an imprisoned First Nations man was tested for COVID-19 at Bathurst Correctional Centre and was released before the prison received...

Senate Committee tables fourth interim report into robodebt

13 August, 2021 - The Senate Community Affairs References Committee has tabled its fourth interim report into the Government’s robodebt scheme. “The Committee d...

Sex work decriminalisation welcome, and long overdue

13 August, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement today that it will move to decriminalise sex work across the state,...

ParentsNext has done enough damage 

12 August, 2021 -   The Greens say they are extremely disappointed that the disallowance to make ParentsNext voluntary did not succeed. The Greens are now calli...

Environment Minister under renewed pressure to stop destruction of Aboriginal heritage

12 August, 2021 - Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley is under renewed pressure to prevent mining giant Glencore from destroying Aboriginal heritage and lan...

Greens announce move to legislate Live Performance Federal Insurance Guarantee

11 August, 2021 - The Greens will move in the Senate for the Morrison Government to establish a Federal Insurance Guarantee for the live performance and events ...

Tomago and world call time on coal as Morrison keeps selling it to China

11 August, 2021 - Australia’s biggest electricity consumer, stationed right next to a major coal field, is getting out of coal. The announcement comes as nation...

No whale should suffer for false sense of security

11 August, 2021 - Another whale is separated from its pod and suffering after being entangled in a deadly shark net which it was forced to drag for kilometres b...

Criminalising Victorians unable to pay COVID fines risks state's public health response

11 August, 2021 - The Victorian Greens have said the Victorian Government is risking our state’s public health response by criminalising disadvantaged groups wh...

Early educators report shows a sector in crisis

10 August, 2021 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has welcomed the release today of the Big Steps/United Workers Union report Ex...

Government must waive JobKeeper/JobSeeker debts

10 August, 2021 - The Greens say it is unconscionable for the Government to be chasing income support recipients for JobKeeper debts when billionaires collected...

Government ordered to produce documents relating to dodgy fracking grant

10 August, 2021 - The government must release documents relating to the awarding of a $21 million grant to Liberal Party-aligned fracking company Empire Energy,...

Waterways Statement. Ft: Shane Rattenbury

10 August, 2021 - This is a statement I made to the Legislative Assembly last week on the important work we are doing as part of the ACT Healthy Waterways progr...