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The Greens believe that animals deserve better

15 October, 2020 - Animals are sentient beings with intrinsic moral status, and deserve to be free from direct and indirect human-caused harm. If you believ...

Government must guarantee IBAC will always have enough funds to investigate corruption

15 October, 2020 - The Victorian Greens have said that IBAC should always have enough funds to investigate corruption, following reports that the independent bo...

Public transport should be accessible for everyone: Greens

15 October, 2020 - A damning Auditor-General report released today has revealed the Department of Transport will not meet its legislated targets for accessible ...

ACT Greens pledge more support Canberra’s expectant mothers

15 October, 2020 - Expanding the midwife-led Birth Centre at the Centenary Hospital for Women and Children, and exploring the establishment of a stand-alone bir...

More evidence of shameful lack of support for disadvantaged and people on low incomes in Anglicare’s Jobs Snapshot

14 October, 2020 - The Australian Greens said today Anglicare Australia’s Jobs Snapshot once again demonstrates the urgent need for a permanent increase to JobS...

Live entertainment industry on it's knees deserves PM's urgent attention

14 October, 2020 - The Greens are again urging the Morrison Government to do more for the Arts and Entertainment Industry after a report released today shows tw...

Greens call on Liberal and Labor to ditch stage 3 tax cuts entirely

14 October, 2020 - Responding to reports that Stage 3 of the government’s tax cuts, voted into law by Liberal and Labor, may not be fully repealed after the nex...

Share our excitement about building a circular economy

14 October, 2020 - There’s now a wide recognition that human beings are living unsustainably on this planet of ours, with its finite space and resources. Plasti...

The Greens pledge to create safer and better lives for older Canberrans

14 October, 2020 - Today the Greens have unveiled their vision for a better normal for older Canberrans. Too often, people find their lives becoming progressive...

“A vote for the conservatives is a vote for animal cruelty”: ACT Greens

14 October, 2020 - The ACT Greens have today expressed dismay at the Belco Party’s reported commitment to bring back greyhound racing to the ACT - mere hours af...

Greens NSW condemn government’s gag of no confidence debate

14 October, 2020 - The Greens NSW spokesperson on anti-corruption Jamie Parker has condemned the NSW Government’s decision to gag debate on a no confidence moti...

‘Food for All’ as ACT Greens pledge comprehensive urban agriculture plan

14 October, 2020 - Ensuring renters have the right to grow food in their backyards and balconies, mandating space for community gardens in all new suburbs, prot...