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Time to act on recognising overseas same-sex marriages

4 February, 2016 - Overseas marriage recognition laws must be standardised across the country to avoid the heartache and humiliation experienced by a British ma...

Decision imminent: UN determination on arbitrary detention of Julian Assange

4 February, 2016 - Friday morning Australian time, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights' Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) will make a determ...

Standing up for students and higher education

4 February, 2016 - Higher education The Greens believe that universities are more than just degree factories - they are places where...

Turnbull ‘mum’ on fate of refugee babies & children

4 February, 2016 - In response to his first question since yesterday’s High Court decision concerning the fate of the 37 babies and 90 children living in Austra...

Gutting CSIRO climate science is the enemy of innovation

4 February, 2016 - News that the Turnbull Liberal Government is sacking more CSIRO scientists, gutting climate science in Australia, shows what a climate-denial...

Federal Government refuses to back independent inquiry on TWWHA bushfires

4 February, 2016 - Despite being asked in Senate Question Time today, the federal government has refused to commit to an independent inquiry into the Tasmanian ...

Strong local opposition at all 6 proposed nuclear waste dump sites

4 February, 2016 - There is strong local opposition exists at all six sites currently under consideration for a nuclear waste dump in Australia. The communities...

Human Rights Abuses in Australia's name? Overdue Questions on Notice

4 February, 2016 - Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia-Co-Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens) (15:02):  That is a little breakdown in communication which actu...

Liberals crush Tasmania’s economic advantage in climate and Antarctic science

4 February, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Antarctic issues Senator Whish-Wilson provides the following comments on the reported CSIRO job cuts: “I am devastate...

Decision imminent: UN determination on arbitrary detention of Julian Assange

4 February, 2016 - Friday morning Australian time, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights' Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) will make a determ...

Sacred art continues to be vandalised

4 February, 2016 - Tuesday, 2 February The continual vandalising of ancient Indigenous rock art in the Burrup peninsula has reached crisis point, says Greens ML...

After David Bulmer-Rizzi's death, we must recognise foreign same-sex marriages

4 February, 2016 - In considering this legislation today, what we are calling upon the government to do and all members of parliament to do is this. We are sayi...

Gutting CSIRO climate science is the enemy of innovation

4 February, 2016 - News that the Turnbull Liberal Government is sacking more CSIRO scientists, gutting climate science in Australia, shows what a climate-denial...

Book launch 'From Hell to Hell' by S. Nagaveeran.

3 February, 2016 -  This February the Refugee Rights Action Network WA (RRAN) and  Writing Through Fences will be co-hosting the Perth book launch of Ravi's fir...

The Auditor General should investigate the Commonwealth funding approvals for the Perth Freight Link

3 February, 2016 -   NOTICE OF MOTION                                                                          2 February 2016                                  ...