
Uni wage theft report a wake-up call for government

20 February, 2023 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that a new NTEU report on $83 million of stolen w...

Greens push for short-stay regulations in a bid to fix the rental crisis

20 February, 2023 - The Victorian Greens will this week put pressure on the Victorian Labor Government to introduce short-stay regulations, in a bid to alleviat...

National Reconstruction Fund could become slush fund for coal and gas, Estimates confirms

18 February, 2023 - Questions in Senate Estimates asked by Australian Greens Industry spokesperson Senator Penny Allman-Payne revealed that the Government could...

Greens announce plan to ‘Expand Our Democracy’ and give 16 & 17 year olds the vote

17 February, 2023 - Albury (Wiradjuri Country): The Greens NSW today launched its ‘Expand Our Democracy’ plan ahead of the March election laying out a plan to i...

Vote a strong message on the need to do more to protect devils from becoming roadkill

16 February, 2023 - The Greens commend the Circular Head Council for voting to reduce the Woolnorth Road speed limit from 100 km to 80 km to help protect the Ta...

Victorian Government must raise the age to at least 14

16 February, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have welcomed today’s indication from the Premier that the state government may move on raising the age of criminal res...

Canberrans resilient during natural disasters

16 February, 2023 - Two new reports commissioned by the ACT Government have found older Canberrans were emotionally resilient following the 2019/20 bushfires. ...

Nuclear bombers can launch from Australia without breaching Treaty obligations, Minister claims

15 February, 2023 - Wednesday 15 February 2023  Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has just admitted in Senate Estimates that nuclear-capable bombers c...

The Greens seek urgent protection for 40 hectares of Leard State Forest

15 February, 2023 - The Greens have joined the calls for urgent intervention from the NSW Planning Secretary Michael Cassel to prevent the clearing of 40 hectar...

Nuclear bombers can launch from Australia without breaching Treaty obligations, Minister claims 

15 February, 2023 - Nuclear bombers can launch from Australia without breaching Treaty obligations, Minister claims  Foreign Affairs Minister Penny W...

Victoria should tax profiteering big banks to help lower the cost-of-living

15 February, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have responded to today’s reports of banks profiteering from interest rates rises by calling for the state government t...

Maryvale closure must prompt state government to end native forest logging

15 February, 2023 - The Victorian Greens have said with the imminent closure of the Maryvale mill, it’s time the Victorian Labor Government announced an immedia...

Greens MP calls on the major parties to make Landcare funding commitment

14 February, 2023 - Greens MP and spokesperson for the environment, Sue Higginson, has today called on both Labor and the Coalition to join The Greens and take ...

Greens: A little cooling in the classroom for some schools is welcome but we urgently need more teachers

14 February, 2023 - Responding to this morning’s election announcement from the NSW Premier to install air conditioning in some western Sydney schools, Greens M...